Networking & Content Delivery

Category: Lambda@Edge

CloudFront now Supports ECDSA Certificates for HTTPS Connections to Origins

See how you can now use Amazon CloudFront to negotiate HTTPS connections to origins using Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA). ECDSA uses smaller keys that are faster, yet, just as secure, as the older RSA algorithm. The smaller keys will also increase the number of TLS handshakes that your origins can process per second, thereby saving compute cycles and reducing your cost of cryptography.

Resizing Images with Amazon CloudFront & Lambda@Edge | AWS CDN Blog

Do you have lots of images that need to be modified before delivery? No problem with Amazon CloudFront and Lambda@Edge. Read more on how you can use our services to modify image dimensions, apply watermarks, or optimize formats based on browser support all on the fly. Optimizing your image delivery can lead to a better experience for your users while also reducing your bandwidth usage.

Authorization@Edge – How to Use Lambda@Edge and JSON Web Tokens to Enhance Web Application Security

Authorization, the function of specifying access rights to resources is often required to help protect restricted content in web applications. This post will show you how to implement a serverless authorization of viewers using Amazon CloudFront, Lambda@Edge and Amazon Cognito without modifying your origin resources.

Dynamically Route Viewer Requests to Any Origin Using Lambda@Edge

Today Lambda@Edge announces a new feature that allows you to do content-based routing. Now you can programmatically define the origin based on logic in your Lambda function. This enables you to route requests to different origins based on request attributes such as headers, query strings, and cookies. Read our blog post to learn about different use cases and how you can set this up within your own architecture.