Networking & Content Delivery

Tag: Elastic Load Balancing

AWS Best Practices for DDoS Resiliency – Updated Whitepaper Now Available

Come read the 2018 version of the AWS Best Practices for DDoS Resiliency whitepaper. In this whitepaper, we provide you with prescriptive DDoS guidance to build applications that are resilient to DDoS attacks. We describe different attack types, such as volumetric attacks and application layer attacks, and explain which best practices are most effective to manage each attack type.

Identifying unhealthy targets of Elastic Load Balancer

Introduction The Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) service provides you with Amazon CloudWatch metrics (HealthyHostCount and UnhealthyHostCount) to monitor the targets behind your load balancers. Although the unhealthy host count metric gives the aggregate number of failed hosts, there is a common pain point when you create an alarm for unhealthy hosts based on these metrics. […]