AWS Open Source Blog

Category: Open Source

Amazon Corretto Duke logo.

Using GraalVM to Build Minimal Docker Images for Java Applications

Optimizing the size of Docker images has several benefits. One of these is faster deployment times, which is very important if your application needs to scale out quickly to respond to an unexpected traffic burst. In this post, I’ll show you an interesting approach for optimizing Docker images for Java applications, which also helps to […]

AWS image for OSCON with the words code, contribute, collaborate, commit.

Amazonians at OSCON 2019: A week of open source

January, 2020: Post updated to include videos. AWS is happy once again to be a Diamond sponsor at OSCON, and we’re looking forward to seeing you there! We’ve got a busy schedule this year, including an Open@Amazon day (Tuesday) open to all OSCON 2019 pass holders. Schedule MONDAY, July 15 10:00am–10:25am: Building Java in the […]

AWS + Kubernetes logos.

Using Pod Security Policies with Amazon EKS Clusters

You asked for it and with Kubernetes 1.13 we have enabled it:  Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS) now supports Pod Security Policies. In this post we will review what PSPs are, how to enable them in the Kubernetes control plane and how to use them, from both the cluster admin and the developer perspective. What is a Pod Security Policy and […]

Open Source in the Enterprise book in 4 languages, cover images.

Growing and Sharing Open Source Wisdom Globally

During my keynote at O’Reilly Media’s Open Source Conference (OSCON) in July, 2018, I had the pleasure of announcing a new book, Open Source in the Enterprise.  A collaboration between O’Reilly Media and AWS, this book is intended to empower enterprises with open source best practices. Our hope was to help the reader gain the […]

A portion of the YML for specifying a monitor in Open Distro for Elasticsearch

Manage Your Open Distro for Elasticsearch Alerting Monitors With odfe-monitor-cli

When you use Open Distro for Elasticsearch Alerting, you create monitors in Kibana. Setting up monitors with a UI is fast and convenient, making it easy to get started. If monitoring is a major workload for your cluster, though, you may have hundreds or even thousands of monitors to create, update, and tune over time. […]

example of a Mach 3 external flow calculation.

Scale HPC Workloads with Elastic Fabric Adapter and AWS ParallelCluster

中文版 – In April, 2019, AWS announced the general availability of Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA), an EC2 network device that improves throughput and scalability of distributed High Performance Computing (HPC) and Machine Learning (ML) workloads. Today, we’re excited to announce support of EFA through AWS ParallelCluster. EFA is a network interface for Amazon EC2 instances […]

Open Distro for Elasticsearch Security plugin selecting the tenant for Kibana visualizations and dashboards

Set up Multi-Tenant Kibana Access in Open Distro for Elasticsearch

中文版 – Elasticsearch has become a default choice for storing and analyzing log data to deliver insights on your application’s performance, your security stance, and your users’ interactions with your application. It’s so useful that many teams adopt Elasticsearch early in their development cycle to support DevOps. This grass-roots adoption often mushrooms into a confusing […]


Announcing Gluon Time Series, an Open-Source Time Series Modeling Toolkit

Today, we announce the availability of Gluon Time Series (GluonTS), an Apache MXNet-based toolkit for time series analysis using the Gluon API. We are excited to give researchers and practitioners working with time series data access to this toolkit, which we have built for our own needs as applied scientists working on real-world industrial time […]

Open Distro for Elasticsearch logo

New! Open Distro for Elasticsearch’s Job Scheduler Plugin

中文版 – Open Distro for Elasticsearch’s JobScheduler plugin provides a framework for developers to accomplish common, scheduled tasks on their cluster. You can implement Job Scheduler’s Service Provider Interface (SPI) to take snapshots, manage your data’s lifecycle, run periodic jobs, and much more. When you use Job Scheduler, you build a plugin that implements interfaces provided […]

A Kibana dashboard with metrics gathered by Open Distro for Elasticsearch's Performance Analyzer plugin

Store Open Distro for Elasticsearch’s Performance Analyzer Output in Elasticsearch

中文版 – Open Distro for Elasticsearch‘s Performance Analyzer plugin exposes a REST API that returns metrics from your Elasticsearch cluster. To get the most out of these metrics, you can store them in Elasticsearch and use Kibana to visualize them. While you can use Open Distro for Elasticsearch’s PerfTop to build visualizations, PerfTop doesn’t retain data […]