AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Higher education

Embracing the cloud for climate research

Scientists at NC State University’s North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies (NCICS) work with large datasets and complex computational analysis. Traditionally, they did their work using on-premises computational resources. As different projects were stretching the limits of those systems, NCICS decided to explore cloud computing. As part of the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative, we invited Jessica Mathews, Jared Rennie, and Tom Maycock to share what they learned from using AWS for climate research. As they considered exploring the cloud to support their work, the idea of leaving the comfort of the local environment was a bit scary. And they had questions: How much will it cost? What does it take to deploy processing to the cloud? Will it be faster? Will the results match what they were getting with their own systems? Here is their story and what they learned.

Cal Poly’s future-proof strategy for cloud adoption

How does a world-class technology university navigate the migration from an on-premises data center to a future-proofed IT infrastructure in the cloud? California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) is one of the top engineering schools in the nation, but the university was struggling with legacy technology that put data at risk.