AWS Quantum Technologies Blog

Category: Amazon Braket

BMW robotic assembly line

Exploring industrial use cases in the BMW Group Quantum Computing Challenge

Today, the BMW Group launched a global open innovation challenge focused on discovering potential quantum computing solutions for real-world use cases: The BMW Group Quantum Computing Challenge. We are delighted to collaborate with BMW on this challenge, and to invite the quantum community explore new approaches to industrial applications. It’s still early days in quantum […]

Quantum Machine Learning on QC Ware Forge built on Amazon Braket

By Fabio Sanches, Quantum Computing Services Lead, QC Ware In this post, I introduce you to QC Ware Forge, which is built on Amazon Braket. It provides turnkey quantum algorithms, so you can speed up research into applying quantum computing to hard data science problems. I also walk you through an example of using Forge […]

Amazon Braket

Using Quantum Machine Learning with Amazon Braket to Create a Binary Classifier

By Michael Fischer, Chief of Innovation at Aioi Insurance Services USA, Daniel Brooks, Research Data Scientist formerly of Aioi Insurance Services USA, with AWS quantum solution architects Pavel Lougovski and Tyler Takeshita. This post details an approach taken by Aioi Insurance Services USA to research an exploratory quantum machine learning application using the Amazon Braket […]

Supporting quantum computing research at Israeli universities

While quantum computing continues to advance through scientific discovery and engineering innovation, the field still faces formidable challenges. Collaboration between industry and academia for quantum computing research is important. Expertise from multiple domains is needed to solve specific problems facing technology firms, and the collaboration fosters a richer environment for education. In this post, I […]