AWS Quantum Technologies Blog

Category: Technical How-to

Designing hybrid algorithms for neutral-atom quantum hardware using Bayesian optimization

Designing hybrid algorithms for neutral-atom quantum hardware using Bayesian optimization

BMW sponsors PhD students to research novel approaches to computational challenges. Today we’ll show you how they bridge the gap between academia and industry, to solve some of the hardest problems in industry using Bayesian protocols for quantum optimization problems.

Quantum error correction in the presence of biased noise

Have you ever heard about error correction? Without it, we could not obtain awe-inspiring pictures of Jupiter and its moons, conduct intelligible mobile phone calls, or have reliable computers. In this blog post, we explain the basic ideas behind error correction and how to apply it to quantum computing. In addition, we discuss how we […]

The active space is localised on the oxygen atoms and two neighbouring platinum atoms

Exploring computational chemistry using Quantinuum’s InQuanto on AWS

Introduction Quantum computers hold the promise of driving novel approaches to solving complex problems across multiple fields, including optimization, machine learning, and the simulation of physical systems. Researchers are already using quantum computers to explore computational chemistry problems, however the scale and capabilities of quantum devices available today is limited by noise and other factors. […]

Noise in Quantum Computing

Customers looking to solve their hardest computational problems often wonder about the production-readiness of quantum computing. They want to know when a full-scale, fault-tolerant quantum computer will be available, and what the obstacles are to achieving this ambitious goal. Current generation quantum computers are not fault-tolerant and have limited utility, but customers are experimenting with […]

Closeup coding on screen, Woman hands programming on screen laptop

Introducing the Qiskit provider for Amazon Braket

We are excited to share a solution to one of our most frequent customer requests: a Qiskit provider for Amazon Braket. Users can now take their existing algorithms written in Qiskit, a widely used open-source quantum programming SDK and, with a few lines of code, run them directly on Amazon Braket. The qiskit-braket-provider currently supports […]

Using embedded simulators in Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs 

Today, we launched a new feature in Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs, which allows you to run hybrid workloads with simulators that are embedded with your algorithm code. For instance, one of the simulators available in this new feature is the PennyLane Lightning GPU simulator, accelerated by NVIDIA’s cuQuantum library. In this blog post, we show […]

Community Detection using Hybrid Quantum Annealing on Amazon Braket – Part 2

As of 11/17/2022, D-Wave is no longer available on Amazon Braket and has transitioned to the AWS Marketplace. Therefore, information on this page may be outdated. Learn more. Many customers are facing the challenge of efficiently extracting information hidden within complex network structures. For example, a healthcare insurance company needs to identify fraudulent claims through […]

Setting up a cross-Region private environment in Amazon Braket

As of 11/17/2022, D-Wave is no longer available on Amazon Braket and has transitioned to the AWS Marketplace. Therefore, information on this page may be outdated. Learn more. As of 05/17/2023, the ARN of the IonQ Harmony device changed to arn:aws:braket:us-east-1::device/qpu/ionq/Harmony. Therefore, information on this page may be outdated. Learn more. At AWS we say […]