AWS Security Blog

Category: AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Easily Replace or Attach an IAM Role to an Existing EC2 Instance by Using the EC2 Console

April 13, 2022: This blog is out of date. Please refer to this documentation for updated info: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles enable your applications running on Amazon EC2 to use temporary security credentials. IAM roles for EC2 make it easier for your applications to make API […]

New! Attach an AWS IAM Role to an Existing Amazon EC2 Instance by Using the AWS CLI

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles enable your applications running on Amazon EC2 to use temporary security credentials that AWS creates, distributes, and rotates automatically. Using temporary credentials is an IAM best practice because you do not need to maintain long-term keys on your instance. Using IAM roles for EC2 also eliminates the need […]

The Top 20 Most Viewed AWS IAM Documentation Pages in 2016

The following 20 pages were the most viewed AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) documentation pages in 2016. I have included a brief description with each link to give you a clearer idea of what each page covers. Use this list to see what other people have been viewing and perhaps to pique your own […]

SAML Identity Federation: Follow-Up Questions, Materials, Guides, and Templates from an AWS re:Invent 2016 Workshop (SEC306)

As part of the re:Source Mini Con for Security Services at AWS re:Invent 2016, we conducted a workshop focused on Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) identity federation: Choose Your Own SAML Adventure: A Self-Directed Journey to AWS Identity Federation Mastery. As part of this workshop, attendees were able to submit their own federation-focused questions to […]

Now Create and Manage Users More Easily with the AWS IAM Console

Today, we updated the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) console to make it easier for you to create and manage your IAM users. These improvements include an updated user creation workflow and new ways to assign and manage permissions. The new user workflow guides you through the process of setting user details, including enabling […]

How to Assign Permissions Using New AWS Managed Policies for Job Functions

Today, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) made 10 AWS managed policies available that align with common job functions. AWS managed policies enable you to set permissions using policies that AWS creates and manages, and with a single AWS managed policy for job functions, you can grant the permissions necessary for network or database administrators, […]

Register for and Attend This November 10 Webinar—Introduction to Three AWS Security Services

Update: This webinar is now available as an on-demand video and slide deck. As part of the AWS Webinar Series, AWS will present Introduction to Three AWS Security Services on Thursday, November 10. This webinar will start at 10:30 A.M. and end at 11:30 A.M. Pacific Time. AWS Solutions Architect Pierre Liddle shows how AWS Identity and […]

How to Enable MFA Protection on Your AWS API Calls

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) provides an additional layer of security for sensitive API calls, such as terminating Amazon EC2 instances or deleting important objects stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. In some cases, you may want to require users to authenticate with an MFA code before performing specific API requests, and by using AWS Identity and […]

IAM Service Last Accessed Data Now Available for the Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region

In December, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) released service last accessed data, which helps you identify overly permissive policies attached to an IAM entity (a user, group, or role). Today, we have extended service last accessed data to support the recently launched Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region. With this release, you can now view the […]

Enable Your Federated Users to Work in the AWS Management Console for up to 12 Hours

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) supports identity federation, which enables external identities, such as users in your corporate directory, to sign in to the AWS Management Console via single sign-on (SSO). Now with a small configuration change, your AWS administrators can allow your federated users to work in the AWS Management Console for up […]