AWS Security Blog
Tag: cybersecurity
AWS achieves Spain’s ENS High 311/2022 certification across 172 services
Amazon Web Services (AWS) has recently renewed the Esquema Nacional de Seguridad (ENS) High certification, upgrading to the latest version regulated under Royal Decree 311/2022. The ENS establishes security standards that apply to government agencies and public organizations in Spain and service providers on which Spanish public services depend. This security framework has gone through […]
2023 PiTuKri ISAE 3000 Type II attestation report available with 171 services in scope
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is pleased to announce the issuance of the Criteria to Assess the Information Security of Cloud Services (PiTuKri) International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 Type II attestation report. The scope of the report covers a total of 171 services and 29 global AWS Regions. The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency […]
2023 Canadian Centre for Cyber Security Assessment Summary report available with 20 additional services
At Amazon Web Services (AWS), we are committed to providing continued assurance to our customers through assessments, certifications, and attestations that support the adoption of current and new AWS services and features. We are pleased to announce the availability of the 2023 Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS) assessment summary report for AWS. With this assessment, a […]
Prepare your AWS workloads for the “Operational risks and resilience – banks” FINMA Circular
In December 2022, FINMA, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, announced a fully revised circular called Operational risks and resilience – banks that will take effect on January 1, 2024. The circular will replace the Swiss Bankers Association’s Recommendations for Business Continuity Management (BCM), which is currently recognized as a minimum standard. The new circular […]
Our commitment to shared cybersecurity goals
The United States Government recently launched its National Cybersecurity Strategy. The Strategy outlines the administration’s ambitious vision for building a more resilient future, both in the United States and around the world, and it affirms the key role cloud computing plays in realizing this vision. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is broadly committed to working with […]
Announcing the AWS Blueprint for Ransomware Defense
In this post, Amazon Web Services (AWS) introduces the AWS Blueprint for Ransomware Defense, a new resource that both enterprise and public sector organizations can use to implement preventative measures to protect data from ransomware events. The AWS Blueprint for Ransomware Defense provides a mapping of AWS services and features as they align to aspects […]
Stronger together: Highlights from RSA Conference 2023
RSA Conference 2023 brought thousands of cybersecurity professionals to the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California from April 24 through 27. The keynote lineup was eclectic, with more than 30 presentations across two stages featuring speakers ranging from renowned theoretical physicist and futurist Dr. Michio Kaku to Grammy-winning musician Chris Stapleton. Topics aligned with this […]
AWS completes the 2023 Cyber Essentials Plus certification and NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit assessment
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is pleased to announce the successful completion of the United Kingdom Cyber Essentials Plus certification and the National Health Service Data Security and Protection Toolkit (NHS DSPT) assessment. The Cyber Essentials Plus certificate and NHS DSPT assessment are valid for one year until March 28, 2024, and June 30, 2024, respectively. […]
The National Intelligence Center of Spain and AWS collaborate to promote public sector cybersecurity
Spanish version » The National Intelligence Center and National Cryptological Center (CNI-CCN)—attached to the Spanish Ministry of Defense—and Amazon Web Services (AWS) have signed a strategic collaboration agreement to jointly promote cybersecurity and innovation in the public sector through AWS Cloud technology. Under the umbrella of this alliance, the CNI-CCN will benefit from the help […]
Three key security themes from AWS re:Invent 2022
AWS re:Invent returned to Las Vegas, Nevada, November 28 to December 2, 2022. After a virtual event in 2020 and a hybrid 2021 edition, spirits were high as over 51,000 in-person attendees returned to network and learn about the latest AWS innovations. Now in its 11th year, the conference featured 5 keynotes, 22 leadership sessions, […]