AWS Security Blog

Tag: EC2

Make a New Year Resolution: Adhere to IAM Best Practices

As another new year begins, we want to encourage you to be familiar with recommended AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) best practices. Following these best practices can help you maintain the security of your AWS account. You can learn more by watching the IAM Best Practices presentation that was given by Anders Samuelsson at […]

Want Help with Securing Your AWS Account? Here Are Some Resources

Some customers have asked how they should be using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to help limit their exposure to problems like those that have recently been in the news. In general, AWS recommends that you enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) for your AWS account and for IAM users who are allowed to perform sensitive […]

Granting Permission to Launch EC2 Instances with IAM Roles (PassRole Permission)

When you launch an Amazon EC2 instance, you can associate an AWS IAM role with the instance to give applications or CLI commands that run on the instance permissions that are defined by the role. When a role is associated with an instance, EC2 obtains temporary security credentials for the role you associated with the […]

Demystifying EC2 Resource-Level Permissions

Note: As of March 28, 2017,  Amazon EC2 supports tagging on creation, enforced tag usage, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resource-level permissions, and enforced volume encryption. See New – Tag EC2 Instances & EBS Volumes on Creation on the AWS Blog for more information. AWS announced initial support for Amazon EC2 resource-level permissions in July of […]

Amazon EC2 Resource-Level Permissions for RunInstances

Yesterday the EC2 team announced fine grained controls for managing RunInstances. This release enables you to set fine-grained controls over the AMIs, Snapshots, Subnets, and other resources that can be used when creating instances and the types of instances and volumes that users can create when using the RunInstances API. This is a major milestone […]

Announcement: Resource Permissions for additional EC2 API actions

Yesterday AWS announced that it now supports resource-level permissions for seven additional EC2 APIs, including: DeleteNetworkAcl DeleteNetworkAclEntry DeleteRoute DeleteRouteTable DeleteDhcpOptions DeleteInternetGateway DeleteCustomerGateway As with other EC2 API actions that support resource-level permissions, you can also construct policies based on the tags associated with the resources.  To learn more, go to either our recent post on […]

Resource-Level Permissions for EC2–Controlling Management Access on Specific Instances

Note: As of March 28, 2017,  Amazon EC2 supports tagging on creation, enforced tag usage, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resource-level permissions, and enforced volume encryption. See New – Tag EC2 Instances & EBS Volumes on Creation on the AWS Blog for more information. We are happy to announce that we launched resource-level permissions […]