AWS Security Blog

Tag: Security Blog

Managing permissions with grants in AWS Key Management Service

August 9, 2022: This post has been updated to correct the references on RDS documentation. February 22, 2022: This post has been updated to clarify details of the example KMS grants provided in this blog. AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) helps customers to use encryption to secure their data. When creating a new encrypted […]

Implement OAuth 2.0 device grant flow by using Amazon Cognito and AWS Lambda

In this blog post, you’ll learn how to implement the OAuth 2.0 device authorization grant flow for Amazon Cognito by using AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB. When you implement the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework (RFC 6749) for internet-connected devices with limited input capabilities or that lack a user-friendly browser—such as wearables, smart assistants, video-streaming devices, […]

The Five Ws episode 2: Data Classification whitepaper

AWS whitepapers are a great way to expand your knowledge of the cloud. Authored by Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the AWS community, they provide in-depth content that often addresses specific customer situations. We’re featuring some of our whitepapers in a new video series, The Five Ws. These short videos outline the who, what, when, […]

Forensic investigation environment strategies in the AWS Cloud

When a deviation from your secure baseline occurs, it’s crucial to respond and resolve the issue quickly and follow up with a forensic investigation and root cause analysis. Having a preconfigured infrastructure and a practiced plan for using it when there’s a deviation from your baseline will help you to extract and analyze the information […]

Migrate and secure your Windows PKI to AWS with AWS CloudHSM

AWS CloudHSM provides a cloud-based hardware security module (HSM) that enables you to easily generate and use your own encryption keys in AWS. Using CloudHSM as part of a Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) public key infrastructure (PKI) fortifies the security of your certificate authority (CA) private key and ensures the security of […]

Three ways to improve your cybersecurity awareness program

Raising the bar on cybersecurity starts with education. That’s why we announced in August that Amazon is making its internal Cybersecurity Awareness Training Program available to businesses and individuals for free starting this month. This is the same annual training we provide our employees to help them better understand and anticipate potential cybersecurity risks. The […]

Correlate security findings with AWS Security Hub and Amazon EventBridge

March 31, 2022: We updated the CloudFormation template, accessed via the Launch Stack link, in this blog post. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through deploying a solution to correlate specific AWS Security Hub findings from multiple AWS services that are related to a single AWS resource, which indicates an increased possibility that a […]

New AWS workbook for New Zealand financial services customers

We are pleased to announce a new AWS workbook designed to help New Zealand financial services customers align with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) Guidance on Cyber Resilience. The RBNZ Guidance on Cyber Resilience sets out the RBNZ expectations for its regulated entities regarding cyber resilience, and aims to raise awareness and promote […]

Introducing the Security at the Edge: Core Principles whitepaper

Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently released the Security at the Edge: Core Principles whitepaper. Today’s business leaders know that it’s critical to ensure that both the security of their environments and the security present in traditional cloud networks are extended to workloads at the edge. The whitepaper provides security executives the foundations for implementing a […]

Update the alternate security contact across your AWS accounts for timely security notifications

Amazon Web Services (AWS) will send you important security notifications from time to time related to your account. From a security perspective, the ability for AWS Security to reach you in a timely manner is important whether you have one AWS account or thousands. These notifications could include alerts from AWS Security for potentially fraudulent activity […]