AWS Startups Blog

AWS Editorial Team

Author: AWS Editorial Team

Amazon Web Services

Learn How to Grow Your Startup with Machine Learning on Twitch

While Machine Learning can get quite complex, you don’t need a team of expensive Data Scientists and ML Engineers to gain real value from it. Check out our upcoming Twitch series for hands-on training with our AWS ML experts, and work through a variety of typical startup use cases from generating personalized customer recommendations to improving marketing efficiency.

Day One Recommendations to Secure Your Account and Workload with AWS Startup Security Baseline

Security is always the top priority for AWS, but let’s face it – it’s not always the top priority for a founder just trying to get your idea for a new company off the ground. That’s why we’re pleased to announce the launch of the AWS Startup Security Baseline (AWS SSB), a new guide that describes the set of controls we recommend all startups implement as a foundation during their initial stages of development and operation.

A Startup’s Guide to AWS Services Series 1: Making Security the Cornerstone

The security of our customers is the top priority for AWS, and especially true for startups in their initial stages of operation.  As an AWS customer, you get the most flexible and secure cloud computing environment available today and benefit from the AWS data centers and network that are architected to protect your information, identities, applications, and devices.

How Navina Leverages the Full AWS Toolkit to Make Data Work for Doctors and Patients

Founded in 2018, Navina is leveraging the full AWS toolkit to improve the human-to-human interactions at the heart of healthcare. “[The result is] a better physician experience,” says Anne Amario, Navina VP of Marketing, as well as “better diagnosis and care.” Learn how Navina is driving better patient outcomes and preserving physicians’ revenues.

Automating Unstructured Data Processing with Amazon SageMaker

The super.AI platform helps customers to transform processes involving unstructured data such as images, videos, text, documents, and audio and automate them using a combination of AI, software, and humans. Their customers requested a more efficient, highly accurate labeling mechanism, so they eleased a new feature where the pipeline pre-processes data points using an ML model running on Amazon SageMaker.