AWS Startups Blog

Mikey Tom

Author: Mikey Tom

Mikey works on the AWS Startup Marketing team to help highlight awesome founders leveraging the AWS ecosystem in interesting ways. Prior to his time at AWS, Mikey led the venture capital news coverage at PitchBook, researching and writing about industry trends and events.

Alcide Helps You Easily Launch and Secure Your Kubernetes Containers

As the cloud becomes more pervasive and more complex, an increasing number of companies are looking to make the shift from systems they’ve historically run to more modern services. That change can be tough, however, for a variety of reasons. They need to be able to have their migration appear seamless from a customer’s perspective, while also ensuring its new infrastructure is secure once the migration is complete. This space is precisely where Alcide operates.

Meet the Winner and Finalists of the 2019 AWS Hackdays “Hack for Good” Competition

In 2018, AWS launched its Hackdays program, offering teams from around ASEAN the opportunity and resources to build projects and compete for prizes, the top of which was a trip to Las Vegas for the annual re:Invent conference. Over 1,000 developers from countries including Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand formed teams to develop new technologies during a one day hackathon. The winners of those days then squared off in Jakarta, with the team from Thailand ultimately winning the top prize and the trip to Las Vegas.