AWS Startups Blog

Category: Startup

Gremlin: Chaos Engineering and Providing Failure as a Service

Gremlin CEO and Co-Founder Kolton Andrus wants you to think of his company as a flu shot. “We basically inject a little of harm [into your system] in order to find weak spots and build an immunity,” he says. “We proactively break things… to help make them stronger.” While Andrus notes that the idea of preparing for disaster isn’t new—”we were doing hardware failure testing in the 60s and 70s and people were writing papers about this in the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s”—what they have noticed is that migrating to the Cloud has introduced new challenges.

AWS Loft Architecture Weeks | February 2019

If you haven’t heard about the AWS Lofts in New York and San Francisco, they are an outstanding resource for startups and developers. One of the key resources that the lofts provide for customers are AWS Architecture Weeks.