AWS Startups Blog

Category: Startup

Couchbase’s Wayne Carter on Why Every Enterprise Should Be Looking to Leverage Database Technologies

Couchbase is NoSQL database and data management software maker best known for creating the world’s first “Engagement Database.” Known as the Couchbase Data Platform, the distributed, multi-cloud, and mobile NoSQL document database is based on a memory-first, async everywhere architecture. AWS Startups recently interviewed Wayne Carter, Couchbase’s Vice President of Mobile, about the company’s mission, methods, and most successful ideas. 

How Epsagon Helps Teams Monitor Their Serverless Applications

With serverless on the rise, an increasing number of startups are popping up to help support the growing ecosystem. One such company is Epsagon, which helps users of these services—such as AWS Lambda—to monitor, trace, and understand the costs of their applications. Check out our interview with Nitzan Shapira, Co-founder and CEO of Epsagon, to learn more about the company and its recent partnership with AWS.