AWS Startups Blog

Category: Startup

Fiverr Relies on SageMaker to Streamline and Simplify Machine Learning Models

When it came time for Fiverr to analyze the data around user behavior on its platform, the freelance services website did what many modern businesses do in terms of recruiting the right tool for the task: they engaged Amazon Web Services’s SageMaker. Amazon SageMaker is an API that enables developers and data scientists to readily build, teach, and position machine learning models to serve any need and at any scale.

Casper AWS Startup

How Casper Delivers from New York to the North Pole

For shoppers who buy a mattress from Casper, all they have to do is hit the “place order” button and a few days later, a mattress shows up on their doorstep. Easy. But for Site Reliability Engineer John Spencer and the rest of his extended team, getting a mattress from order to delivery is a far more complicated process.