AWS Startups Blog

Category: Startup

Chris Obereder

“Social Media Black Magic Artist” Chris Obereder On the Importance of Openness and Fun

Chris Obereder is in some ways a typical Silicon Valley wunderkind. Only 26, he started out in tech at the age of 14 and has been called a “social media black magic artist” by Napster founder Sean Parker. But unlike some of his other tech industry peers, he emphasizes the importance of openness, creativity and just plain fun in crafting a career.

How Emily Kennedy and Cara Jones, Co-Founders of Marinus Analytics, Are Using AI to Battle Sex Trafficking

The European trip she took at age 16 gave her not only perspective, but purpose. It put her on a career path she likely never would have gone down: combating human trafficking. She does this through her company Marinus Analytics, which provides law enforcement with tools that utilize artificial intelligence to help identify victims and their exploiters.