AWS Startups Blog

What Works: Two Startup Entrepreneurs On Hiring, Employing Remote Distributed Workforces, and More

At a recent VivaTech 2019 panel, “What Works: How the Best Entrepreneurs are Building Their Startups,” Julien Crochet, VP of sales strategy and enablement at AB Tasty, and Carles Sistare, head of engineering at Ogury, laid out their best tips for how to get things done when you’re a new, growing business with employees all over the world.

How to Find Founder-Market Fit

For entrepreneurs, the importance of product-market fit has become conventional wisdom. Selling the right product to a strong market that really wants it is a cornerstone for growth. But startups and investors are increasingly focusing on a different kind of compatibility: founder-market fit. You may have a great product for a strong market — but are you the right person to build the company? Maybe the most obvious element of founder-market fit is based on experience. It’s essential to have founders with the right kind of skills and background to match the market.