AWS Startups Blog


Proteantecs Brings Hardware & Software Together to Revolutionize Predictive Chip Maintenance

Founded in 2017, proteanTecs’ team reflects a variety of fields: the staff includes software developers, machine learning experts, circuit designers, electronic design automation developers, and more. Noam Brousard, VP of Product, sees the company’s varied background as representative of its “best of both worlds” approach to chip design and maintenance. For Brousard and proteanTecs, crafting reliable, high performance chip technology means unifying the hardware production and software development processes.

Entrepreneurial Team Spirit: The Family and Station F Create Communities for European Startups

European startup culture is evolving rapidly, both in terms of priorities and investment. The technology sector has seen especially significant growth over the last decade, with $23 billion in investments in 2018, up from $5.2 billion just five years prior. The European Union has adopted a brighter attitude toward startups as venture capital funds in the region have matured and investments have soared. Perhaps unsurprisingly, entrepreneurial enthusiasm isn’t hard to come by in Europe, and neither are up-and-coming folks with promising ideas.

The DBS Paradigm Shift Global Hack Brings Together the Brightest and Craziest

Hackathons challenge us to question our norms and assumptions, as well encourage us to break boundaries and change the status quo. That is why DBS Bank, a Singapore-based multinational bank, has been running and sponsoring over 50 hackathons across Asia over the past five years, bringing together the brightest minds to brainstorm new banking solutions for modern-day problems.

From Zero to EKS with Terraform and Helm

At Aledade, we perform ETL on the healthcare data of millions of patients from thousands of different sources, and the primary tool we leverage is the workflow management tool Airflow. Because the amount of data we process is growing exponentially, we have quickly outgrown the ability to scale our dockerized Airflow deploy horizontally. We decided to move Airflow into Kubernetes to take advantage of their native support for scaling pods up and down, as needed, to handle tasks. With zero experience running a Kubernetes cluster, EKS allowed us to get up and running rapidly. Here is how we did it.

signalfx observability

Demystifying Observability for Startups with SignalFx

Cory Watson, Technical Director at SignalFx, will take a tour of observability’s origins and discuss the practical benefits you can expect from investment, including a better-informed capacity planning process and debuggability. He’ll share the steps to take when building your infrastructure and how having an observable system can provide the real-time data you need to make better engineering decisions.

Felix Gray on Database Scaling Strategies for Startups

Learn how Houtan Fanisalek, Chief Technology Officer of Felix Gray, an e-commerce startup, scaled their infrastructure and planned for massive traffic spikes using Amazon Aurora and Elasticache. He discusses best practices on how to scale your database with minimal downtime, find performance bottlenecks in your database driven application, and how to handle service failures gracefully. Houtan also provides real world examples of the challenges his team faced while scaling Felix Gray, and speaks to the common growing pains any tech startup will face as they scale in the cloud.

Israeli Startup Optibus Uses Tech to Cure Public Transit Woes

“Public transit is not reliable enough,” says Eitan Yanovsky, CTO of Optibus, an Israeli software startup. “People are suffering from delays and a lot of these are happening because of improper planning.” To help cities run their bus fleets more efficiently, flexibly, and economically, Optibus offers proprietary cloud-based software driven by AI machine learning that analyzes historical and real-time passenger data to optimize service. The ultimate goal is to cut cost and improve service, making happier municipalities and happier riders.