AWS Startups Blog

How Emily Kennedy and Cara Jones, Co-Founders of Marinus Analytics, Are Using AI to Battle Sex Trafficking

The European trip she took at age 16 gave her not only perspective, but purpose. It put her on a career path she likely never would have gone down: combating human trafficking. She does this through her company Marinus Analytics, which provides law enforcement with tools that utilize artificial intelligence to help identify victims and their exploiters.

Machine Learning on Limit Order Book Data for Learning and Compliance

There are two key types of market participants; those who are trying to make money from the markets and those who are assigned to police those trying to make money. Examples of the former type include investment banks, hedge funds and asset managers, while examples of the latter includes in-house compliance, financial regulators and exchange surveillance teams.

ThetaLake Portal w-Co-Founder

Theta Lake on Modern Communication Compliance Conundrums

For the average person, the idea of compliance and regulation technology doesn’t elicit much enthusiasm. But for Devin Redmond and Rich Sutton, co-founders of the RegTech startup Theta Lake, the concept is downright sexy—especially as startups and enterprises alike have increased spending on compliance following the last financial meltdown.

Prime Day Brian Herman

Amazon Fleet Management: Meet the Man Who Keeps Amazon Servers Running, No Matter What

Picture this: You oversee a fleet of servers that supports one of the world’s most massive online retail companies, and a special promotion everyone thought would bump sales by 21% is actually giving closer to a 120% boost—all in the first minute. That’s exactly where Brian Herman, Director of Datacenter Compute Capacity at Amazon Web Services, was standing in 2015, moments after the first Prime Day launched.

How to Navigate A Term Sheet

At the most basic level, a term sheet is a non-binding contract. It’s a short document, anywhere from 1-10 pages, that has a handful of terms outlining what will happen in an investment. If a deal goes through, lawyers will take the term sheet and turn it into hundreds of pages of legal documentation.