AWS Startups Blog

Tag: Cloud Computing

Engineering the Future of 5G

If you talk to the Big Network providers—the AT&Ts, Verizons, and Vodaphones of the world—you might think that 5G was already here, or at the very least, right around the corner. On the other hand, if you talk to your average mobile RF Front-End (RFFE) engineer, he or she might tell you that 5G is a few years away. Why the discrepancy?

Duetto Research

How Duetto is modernizing the multi-billion dollar hospitality industry

The hospitality industry was once a hotbed of innovation. Back in the 1960’s, for example, the Holiday Inn developed and launched the Holidex, a first-of-its-kind centralized reservation system. In a time before the internet, this piece of technology helped set the then 15-year old company apart. But times have changed, according to Patrick Bosworth, CEO and Co-Founder of Duetto.