AWS Startups Blog

Tag: Technical Use Cases

HyperTrack: Managed Service for Live Location Tracking at Scale

Suppose you are building location-aware applications to make the mobile workforce more productive and logistics networks more efficient. To do this, you would start by getting the live location and then show it to the customer on a map in real-time. To do that successfully, you also need to operate complex infrastructure to ingest, process, store, provision, and manage this data. Enter HyperTrack.

How Renovo uses Elasticsearch to manage data log storage and operational complexities

How Renovo Uses Amazon OpenSearch to Manage Logs

AWS has enabled auto tech startup Renovo to keep up with logs generated by vehicles and support systems in a manner that does not require it to over-provision processing and focus on the problem space: operating a vehicle or fleet of vehicles. Director of Data Services Khalid Azam explains how.                                                                    

Datavant De-Identifying Health Data

Datavant Uses Batch to De-Identify Health Data

Datavant enables health companies to share sensitive health data securely. An important part of this process is de-identifying records so that they can be used in research or analytics contexts where identifying information is unneeded or required by law to be removed. Datavant supports both on-premise and cloud workflows to de-identify data. In this post, we share a simple approach to turn our native on-premise application into an AWS-hosted cloud service over the course of a single sprint cycle.