AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Sustainability

Best Practices from IBM and AWS for Optimizing SaaS Solutions for Sustainability

IBM and Amazon are both signatories of The Climate Pledge, a commitment to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2040—10 years ahead of The Paris Agreement. Learn how SaaS providers can optimize applications by implementing best practice recommendations from AWS, and review a few examples from IBM to optimize SaaS applications for sustainability and track the results via dashboard. Every action you take contributes to your organization’s broader sustainability goals.

Achieving Sustainable IT Through Elasticity with IBM Turbonomic and AWS

Data centers represent the information bedrock that supports many aspects of the modern economy. When building cloud workloads, the practice of sustainability is to understand environmental impacts like energy consumption and apply best practices to reduce these impacts. Learn why IT operations have become a crucial component of sustainability strategies, and how IBM Turbonomic Application Resource Management (ARM) can help AWS customers with sustainability in the cloud.


Empowering Sustainability with the Sogeti Carbon Estimator

In line with Capgemini Group‘s sustainability vision to become a net zero business by 2040, Sogeti has collaborated with AWS to find a pragmatic solution that is helping to bring this vision to life—the Sogeti Carbon Estimator (SCE). This tool can be used to automatically bring insights into the carbon footprint of any cloud component used to serve technology, including complex AI solutions enabled by MLOps. SCE highlights the goal of many cloud providers and businesses—to unlock the value of cloud sustainably.


Strengthening Sustainability by Plugging into the Efficiencies of the AWS Cloud

Wipro moved Schneider Electric’s crucial on-premises SAP system onto AWS, completely re-architecting the system for the cloud, changing the operating system, upgrading databases, and migrating terabytes of data to AWS. The partner and customer both sought a goal larger than reducing the physical data center footprint: they aimed to improve digital supply chain operations and enhance the performance of Schneider Electric’s industrial automation business.


Using Snowflake to Access and Combine Multiple Datasets Hosted by the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative

The zero-cost Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative (ASDI) seeks to accelerate sustainability research and innovation by minimizing the cost and time required to analyze large sustainability datasets. In this post, we’ll use Snowflake, a data cloud company, to work with two different ASDI datasets containing climate and air quality data. We’ll demonstrate how to access ASDI datasets, join them together by date, and ultimately form a merged result.