AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Meet ANSYS, Fusionex, and Vision33 – Our Newest AWS Partner Case Studies

As we head into the holidays and the New Year, I’m excited to share some holiday reading with you. We’ve recently published three new AWS Partner case studies that tell the stories of APN Consulting Partner Vision33, and APN Technology Partners ANSYS and Fusionex. Whether it be in engineering simulation, SAP Business One, or big data solutions, these APN Partners are constantly innovating on AWS to drive value for end customers. Read on to learn more…



ANSYS is a global leader in computer-aided simulation software. Based near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the company’s software applications help engineers solve their most complex design challenges through engineering simulations in areas such as fluid dynamics, electromagnetics, and structural mechanics. Many modern products, from smartphones to airplanes, are designed using ANSYS software solutions. For the large and small organizations that use ANSYS software, computing capacity and performance are constant challenges. To meet these specific customer needs, ANSYS looked to the cloud. “We saw cloud computing as an enabler for our customers because we thought it could give them the scalability and global delivery they were looking for from us,” says Wim Slagter, director, HPC & cloud marketing at ANSYS. “We also thought the cloud could help many of our enterprise customers centralize their simulation assets.”

After it had begun its relationship with AWS, ANSYS created ANSYS® Enterprise Cloud™, a new engineering simulation platform in the cloud that is deployed as a turnkey solution within customers’ dedicated corporate accounts. Because it can deliver its simulation workloads to customers via the AWS cloud, ANSYS can now help its customers achieve the scalability they need to take on the most demanding simulations.

Read the full ANSYS case study here.



Fusionex is a global, multinational IT Group, specializing in analytics, business intelligence and big data. Fusionex focuses on helping its clients manage, understand, and derive useful insights and value from data. The firm has been an APN Partner since 2012. With offices in Asia, Europe, and the Americas, Fusionex possesses a global customer base and needs to be able to scale to meet demand and reach customers effectively, regardless of a customer’s location. Prior to moving to the cloud, the company’s systems, solutions, and data processing was by and large hosted on-premises which not only prohibited the ability to scale quickly as the company grew, but also limited its expansion plans due to cost deterrence. A number of factors contributed to Fusionex’s decision to use AWS and become an APN Partner, including the inherent scalability of the AWS platform, the global footprint of AWS, and the business and technical support available through AWS.

As the company’s use of AWS became more integral to the services and solutions it offers to customers, Fusionex decided to become an APN Partner. “We started our relationship with AWS as a customer ourselves, and decided to become an APN Partner as we’ve observed that our relationship with AWS will only continue to deepen,” says Tan. Since moving to AWS, Fusionex’s speed to market has increased substantially, allowing the company to increase the rate at which it expands its offerings to customers. “In using AWS and working as an APN Partner, we’ve been able to expand our offerings and our speed to market has dramatically increased,” explains Tan. “We’ve been able to increase our speed to market by at least eight times using AWS, thus edging many a competitor by sheer speed in terms of our offering.”

Want to learn more? Click here.


Vision33, Inc. is a leading global consulting company and value-added reseller (VAR) for SAP Business One, and the recipient of the B1 Award from SAP in North America. Vision33 focuses on implementing SAP Business One for growing businesses and subsidiaries of large enterprises. Throughout North America and abroad, as the number one global VAR for the SAP Business One application, Vision33 has helped hundreds of customers gain real insight into their business processes. Vision33 is an AWS Partner Network (APN) Consulting Partner, an AWS SAP Competency holder, and has been a member of the APN since 2011.

As the company began to experience demand for cloud-based solutions from its customer base, the team saw the opportunity afforded through the cloud to provide customers with rapid provisioning capabilities around the globe and high availability. The Vision33 team focused on building a relationship with AWS for many reasons. “In AWS, we saw the opportunity to work with an SAP Certified company with a strong brand, a robust global footprint, and Enterprise-level solutions,” says Rooney. “SAP products are certified for production deployment on AWS, and it meant we could have the confidence to know that our customers can access SAP Business One from anywhere, at any time, with maximum uptime. This enables us to offer greater value to our customers.” Using the AWS platform has opened up new business opportunities for Vision33 through the ability to offer customers SAP Business One on HANA. “By building on AWS, we now offer customers SAP Business One on HANA, which runs on a Linux platform,” explains Romero. “With this offering, our customers with SAP Business One on HANA no longer need to worry about how to manage their on-premise Linux servers. We can also automate SAP Business One on HANA builds, compared to the traditional methods of sourcing servers from vendors.”

Learn more about Vision33’s journey here.

Read all of our APN Partner case studies and watch our Partner Success Story videos here.