AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Identity and Access Management


Securing Your Infrastructure as Code Deployments with AWS and Snyk

When you combine AWS CodeBuild with Snyk to deploy your infrastructure as code project, you gain a repeatable process that’s easy to track and manage that happens to include security results. AWS provides the automation while Snyk provides enhanced security. Learn how to manage an IaC project written with Terraform by HashiCorp and deployed with AWS CodeBuild, and review results before a scan and after when hidden issues are often revealed.

Data-Based Global Market Prediction Using Brightics AI with AWS

Samsung SDS is an information and communications technologies arm of the Samsung Group. Its Brightics AI solution provides services from the perspective of an integrated analysis environment by containerizing open sources such as analytic functions. Explore the architecture for how a multi-national electronic manufacturing company established a model development and analysis platform using Brightics AI on AWS to predict markets and establish sales strategies through AI models.