AWS Architecture Blog

Tag: Let’s Architect

Let's Architect

Let’s Architect! Designing Well-Architected systems

Amazon’s CTO Werner Vogels says, “Everything fails, all the time”. This means we should design with failure in mind and assume that something unpredictable could happen. The AWS Well-Architected Framework is designed to help you prepare your workload for failure. It describes key concepts, design principles, and architectural best practices for designing and running workloads […]

Let's Architect

Let’s Architect! Architecting for DevOps

Under a DevOps model, the development and operations teams work together and share their skills and knowledge. Sometimes, these teams are merged into a single team where the engineers work across the entire application lifecycle, from development to deployment. The objective of DevOps is to deliver applications and services quickly and efficiently. This faster pace […]

Let's Architect

Let’s Architect! Understanding the build versus buy dilemma

Vendor lock in happens when you commit to a specific technology and then don’t have the freedom to maintain full control of your applications. Even if you want to switch to another vendor, it’s not easy because of the financial investment, effort, and time needed to do so. In the cloud computing, technology changes quickly, […]

Let's Architect

Let’s Architect! Architecting for front end

Many workloads in the cloud need a front-end interface for interacting with APIs, either for populating content or for consuming it. This edition of Let’s Architect! shows you how to scale your front-end applications and serve data across multiple devices. Micro-frontend Architectures on AWS Micro-frontends are the technical representation of a business subdomain, they allow […]

Let's Architect

Let’s Architect! Architecting for governance and management

As you develop next-generation cloud-native applications and modernize existing workloads by migrating to cloud, you need cloud teams that can govern centrally with policies for security, compliance, operations and spend management. In this edition of Let’s Architect!, we gather content to help software architects and tech leaders explore new ideas, case studies, and technical approaches […]

Let's Architect

Let’s Architect! Creating resilient architecture

The AWS Well-Architected Framework defines resilience as “the capability to recover when stressed by load (more requests for service), attacks (either accidental through a bug, or deliberate through intention), and failure of any component in the workload’s components.” The need for resilient workloads transcends all customer industries, but it can often can be misunderstood, which […]

Let's Architect

Let’s Architect! Serverless architecture on AWS

Serverless architecture and computing allow you and your teams to focus on delivering business value in place of investing time tweaking the infrastructure characteristics. AWS is not only providing serverless computing as a service, but share that half of our new applications built by Amazon are using AWS Lambda, as noted by Andy Jassy in […]

Let's Architect

Let’s Architect! Using open-source technologies on AWS

With open-source technology, authors make software available to the public, who can view, use, or change it and add new features or support new capabilities. Open-source technology promotes collaboration across different teams, organizations, and people because the process often includes different perspectives and ideas, which typically results a stronger solution. It can be difficult to […]

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Let’s Architect! Architecting microservices with containers

Microservices structure an application as a set of independently deployable services. They speed up software development and allow architects to quickly update systems to adhere to changing business requirements. According to best practices, the different services should be loosely coupled, organized around business capabilities, independently deployable, and owned by a single team. If applied correctly, […]

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Let’s Architect! Architecting for Blockchain

You’ve likely read about or heard someone talk about blockchain. This distributed and decentralized ledger collects immutable blocks of information and helps secure your data without going through third party. It is commonly used to maintain secure and decentralized records for registries, consensus, cryptocurrencies, and the latest trend: non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This collection of content […]