AWS News Blog

Jeff Barr

Author: Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr is Chief Evangelist for AWS. He started this blog in 2004 and has been writing posts just about non-stop ever since.

New Version of ECS Released

I just received word that a new version of the Amazon E-Commerce Service has been released. Here are the newest features: Ability to search the Industrial & Scientific Products catalog. A new search index, All, with the ability to perform a keyword search on all product categories with up to 5 pages of results. […]

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Links: REST, SOAP, EC2, Pancakes, etc.

I’m recovering from some minor surgery this week, which basically means taking things really easy, watching too much TV, hanging out with my kids (we’ve had so many snow days this year that they are actually complaining about not getting to go to school) and catching up on my feed reading! Here are some good […]

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Amazon EC2 and SOA Suites : Great Article

I love it, when people innovate! Mamoon Yunus and team wrote an excellent article on Dr. Dobbs Journal that adds a new dimension to Amazon EC2 use cases. In the article, they are combining the power of Amazon EC2 with existing SOA Suites and BPEL Engines They discuss the key features of some great products/technologies […]

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Amazon EC2 Video

We recently posted a video that shows how to set up Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud from a Windows environment. More accurately, there is one video is in two formats: Windows Media and Flash. If you have Windows Media, that version of the encoding worked out to be both a smaller file size (faster download) and […]

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Friday Inbox Cleanup

Its time to clean out the inbox again. Here’s what I have this afternoon: Carson Mcdonald wrote about Creating Your Own FC6 Instance for EC2. The article is very detailed and should be helpful. Redmonk analyst Steve O’Grady was kind enough to bestow his first-ever Tecosystems Award for Technical Innovation on us. This was the […]

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Opportunity Knocks

RSS pioneer Dave Winer has an idea for a cool application powered by S3. In his post “Opportunity Knocks,Try #3” Dave explains his idea: I want to define a cloud in Amazon S3 space, a cloud of subscription information, some of it public and some of it only accessible to the user. We’re going to […]

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Hadoop Filesystem Using S3

I blogged about Hadoop on EC2 late last year. In a nutshell, Hadoop is an open source implementation of Google’s MapReduce algorithm. MapReduce is a simple and efficient programming model for processing large data sets using a whole bunch of processors (you are supposed to start thinking of EC2 at this point). Tom White sent […]

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