AWS News Blog

Jeff Barr

Author: Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr is Chief Evangelist for AWS. He started this blog in 2004 and has been writing posts just about non-stop ever since.

Thought-Provoking Series of S3 Posts

I met Martin Kochanski, developer of Cardbox, in London last month. We met at the Athenaeum Club and had a very pleasant working lunch. As we talked, it was really clear to me that Martin held a number of interesting opinions about all sorts of subjects and we talked about blogging as an information sharing […]

Amazon S3 and SmugMug

SmugMug CEO Don MacAskill describes how they use Amazon S3 in his newest blog post, Amazon S3 = The Holy Grail. In the post, Don reveals that SmugMug stores 500 million images which collectively occupy 300 terabytes of storage. Don goes on to reveal how S3 allowed SmugMug to take their architecture to the next […]

Quick Picks for Friday

I use a handful of web and blog search engines which produce RSS feeds that I monitor to find interesting developments for this blog. Here are a few recent findings: There’s a new version of Ruby/Amazon. Brian Krow is looking at S3 and Jungledisk, and wondering where he left his tape drive. David Aiken is […]

Improved Amazon Shopping in Second Life

Last month I blogged about the Life2Life store in Second Life. This store smoothly bridges the virtual and the real, making it possible to search the Amazon catalog from within Second Life. For a week or so, Tabatha and Hugo (the store’s proprietors) had kept me apprised of their work to integrate Amazon’s Remote Shopping […]

Book Excerpt: Refining your Search with Browse Nodes

In conjunction with author Jason Levitt, we are pleased to bring you a chapter-length excerpt from his AWS book. This chapter covers the use of browse nodes to make searches return results that are more relevant. Thanks, Jason, for helping to make this happen. — Jeff; Modified 1/25/2021 – In an effort to ensure a […]

AWS Zone Updated

The ever-popular AWS Zone site was recently updated to include better support for Amazon S3 and some of the other new services. One especially cool new feature is the ability to compute signatures for requests in a safe manner. After entering your AWS Access Key and your AWS Secret Key, pressing the Generate Signature button […]

YouOS Uses S3

YouOS is a complete operating environment which runs inside of a browser window. Within the window is a complete virtual file system, a web browser, a note pad, a rich text editor, a command line shell, and more. This is cool enough all by itself, but to make it even cooler, the virtual file system […]

Ruby, Rest, S3

Dominic Da Silva has written a new article, Ruby for the REST of Us: Using Ruby and REST to Integrate with Amazon S3. In the article, Dominic introduces Ruby, REST and Amazon S3. He then goes on to cover the AWS registration process, and then proceeds to describe rSh3ll (pronounce it “r-shell” and your tongue […]