AWS News Blog

Category: Compute

The Floodgates Are Open – Increased Network Bandwidth for EC2 Instances

I hope that you have configured your AMIs and your current-generation EC2 instances to use the Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) that I told you about back in mid-2016. The ENA gives you high throughput and low latency, while minimizing the load on the host processor. It is designed to work well in the presence of […]

New – Inter-Region VPC Peering

Updated (July 2018) — For updated AWS Regions this service is available in, please read this FAQ. I’m still catching up with the last couple of AWS re:Invent launches! Today I would like to tell you about inter-region VPC peering. You have been able to create peering connections between Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) in the […]

New AWS Auto Scaling – Unified Scaling For Your Cloud Applications

I’ve been talking about scalability for servers and other cloud resources for a very long time! Back in 2006, I wrote “This is the new world of scalable, on-demand web services. Pay for what you need and use, and not a byte more.” Shortly after we launched Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), we made […]

AWS IoT, Greengrass, and Machine Learning for Connected Vehicles at CES

Last week I attended a talk given by Bryan Mistele, president of Seattle-based INRIX. Bryan’s talk provided a glimpse into the future of transportation, centering around four principle attributes, often abbreviated as ACES: Autonomous – Cars and trucks are gaining the ability to scan and to make sense of their environments and to navigate without […]