AWS News Blog

Category: Compute

CloudWatch Monitoring Scripts Updated

We have added three new features to the CloudWatch Monitoring Scripts for Linux. These scripts can be run in the background to periodically report system metrics to Amazon CloudWatch, where they will be stored for two weeks When you install the scripts you can choose to report any desired combination of the following metrics: Memory […]

EC2 for In-Memory Computing – The High Memory Cluster Eight Extra Large Instance

Our new High Memory Cluster Eight Extra Large (cr1.8xlarge) instance type is designed to host applications that have a voracious need for compute power, memory, and network bandwidth such as in-memory databases, graph databases, and memory intensive HPC. Here are the specs: Two Intel E5-2670 processors running at 2.6 GHz with Intel Turbo Boost and […]

Webinar – Scalable Database Architectures

Ok, there you are, about to build an application that has to store lots and lots of data in cost-effective yet scalable fashion. Should you use a relational model or should you go NoSQL? Should you use DynamoDB, Redshift, RDS, ElastiCache, or more than one? We’ve set up webinar for later this week to help […]

Amazon CloudWatch – Alarm Actions

As you probably know, Amazon CloudWatch provides monitoring services for your cloud resources and your applications. You can track cloud, system, and application metrics, see them visually, and arrange to be notified (via a CloudWatch alarm) if they go beyond a value that you specify. For example, you can track the CPU load of your […]