AWS News Blog

Category: Database

AWS Elastic Beanstalk for .NET now Supports VPC, RDS, and Configuration Files

AWS Elastic Beanstalk for .NET now supports the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), seamlessly integrates with the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), and can be customized using configuration files. Elastic Beanstalk allows you to easily deploy and manage .NET applications on AWS. Because Elastic Beanstalk leverages Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2012, you […]

AWS Expansion in Oregon – Amazon Redshift and Amazon EC2 High Storage Instances

You can now launch Amazon Redshift clusters and EC2 High Storage instances in the US West (Oregon) Region. Amazon Redshift Amazon Redshift is a fully managed data warehouse service that lets you create, run, and manage a petabyte-scale data warehouse with ease. You can easily scale up by adding additional nodes (giving you more storage […]

Amazon RDS – SQL Server Major Version Upgrade

The Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) takes care of the low-level drudgery associated with setting up, managing, and scaling a relational database. With support for multiple versions of MySQL, Oracle Database, and Microsoft SQL Server, RDS can be used in a wide variety of appliations. Without RDS, upgrading to a new version of your chosen […]

Amazon Redshift – Now Broadly Available

We announced Amazon Redshift, our fast and powerful, fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service, late last year (see my earlier blog post for more info). As we often do with complex new services, we started out by making a limited preview version of Redshift available by invitation. Today I am happy to announce that Amazon […]