AWS News Blog

Category: Developer Tools

Who’s using Ruby on Rails?

If you are an Amazon EC2 or Amazon S3 aficionado and are using Ruby on Rails, we would like to hear from you. Particularly we are interested to know how you are using Ruby on Rails, your architecture, your EC2 network topology setup, your S3 hacks. Anything that can help the newcomers to ramp up […]

phps3tk – Command Line Scripts for S3 Access

I met dozens of entrepreneurs and developers at last night’s Start-Up Seattle event (you can read more about it here, here and here). Among those I met were David Busby of . Through his company, David provides small and medium-sized businesses with IT solutions powered by open source technologies. David told me that he […]

AWS and The Windows Presentation Foundation

WPF/E is Microsoft’s next-generation presentation for creating rich web experiences. Using an XML vocabulary known as XAML, WPF/E supports both cross-browser and desktop applications which run on Windows and on the Mac. If you would like to learn a bit about the use of WPF/E in conjunction with the Amazon E-Commerce Service, you should check […]

Precious – Ruby, Gems and AWS

Ruby got a new face-lift with the new Rails framework. I was always fascinated with the Ruby language. 25 lines of Java code gets shrunk to 4 lines of equivalent Ruby code plus its more readable. And with Rails, it gets a new kick. It is always impressive to hear people say “I am a […]