AWS News Blog

Category: Developer Tools

New for Amazon CodeGuru – Python Support, Security Detectors, and Memory Profiling

Amazon CodeGuru is a developer tool that helps you improve your code quality and has two main components: CodeGuru Reviewer uses program analysis and machine learning to detect potential defects that are difficult to find in your code and offers suggestions for improvement. CodeGuru Profiler collects runtime performance data from your live applications, and provides […]

Find Your Most Expensive Lines of Code – Amazon CodeGuru Is Now Generally Available

Bringing new applications into production, maintaining their code base as they grow and evolve, and at the same time respond to operational issues, is a challenging task. For this reason, you can find many ideas on how to structure your teams, on which methodologies to apply, and how to safely automate your software delivery pipeline. At […]

Software Package Management with AWS CodeArtifact

Software artifact repositories and their associated package managers are an essential component of development. Downloading and referencing pre-built libraries of software with a package manager, at the point in time the libraries are needed, simplifies both development and build processes. A variety of package repositories can be used, for example Maven Central, npm public registry, […]

New – Building a Continuous Integration Workflow with Step Functions and AWS CodeBuild

May 29, 2020: Post updated to include AWS CodePipeline support to invoke Step Functions with a new action type. Automating your software build is an important step to adopt DevOps best practices. To help you with that, we built AWS CodeBuild, a fully managed continuous integration service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces packages […]

AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) – Java and .NET are Now Generally Available

Today, we are happy to announce that Java and .NET support inside the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) (CDK) is now generally available. The AWS CDK is an open-source software development framework to model and provision your cloud application resources through AWS CloudFormation. AWS CDK also offers support for TypeScript and Python. With the AWS […]

Improve Your App Testing With Amplify Console’s Pull Request Previews and Cypress Testing

Amplify Console allows developers to easly configure a Git-based workflow for continuous deployment and hosting of fullstack serverless web apps. Fullstack serverless apps comprise of backend resources such as GraphQL APIs, Data and File Storage, Authentication, or Analytics, integrated with a frontend framework such as React, Gatsby, or Angular. You can read more about the […]

NoSQL Workbench for Amazon DynamoDB – Available in Preview

I am always impressed by the flexibility of Amazon DynamoDB, providing our customers a fully-managed key-value and document database that can easily scale from a few requests per month to millions of requests per second. The DynamoDB team released so many great features recently, from on-demand capacity, to support for native ACID transactions. Here’s a […]

Amplify Console – Hosting for Fullstack Serverless Web Apps

AWS Amplify Console is a fullstack web app hosting service, with continuous deployment from your preferred source code repository. Amplify Console has been introduced in November 2018 at AWS re:Invent. Since then, the team has been listening to customer feedback and iterated quickly to release several new features, here is a short re:Cap. Instant Cache […]