AWS News Blog
Category: AWS CloudTrail
Amazon S3 Update – CloudTrail Integration
You can now use AWS CloudTrail to track bucket-level operations on your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets. The tracked operations include creation and deletion of buckets, modifications to access controls, changes to lifecycle policies, and changes to cross-region replication settings. AWS CloudTrail records API activity in your AWS account and delivers the resulting […]
Look Before You Leap – The Coming Leap Second and AWS (Updated)
My colleague Mingxue Zhao sent me a guest post designed to make sure that you are aware of an important time / clock issue. Note: This post was first published on May 18, 2015. We made some important additions and corrections on May 25, 2015. — Jeff; The International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems (IERS) […]
New – AWS API Activity Lookup in CloudTrail
My colleague Sivakanth Mundru sent another guest post my way! This one shows you how to look up AWS API activity using CloudTrail. — Jeff; “The ability to look up API activity in AWS CloudTrail helps us easily troubleshoot security incidents and operational issues. We can now take immediate actions such as following up with […]
CloudTrail Integration with CloudWatch in Four More Regions
My colleague Sivakanth Mundru sent me a guest post with CloudTrail and CloudWatch integration news, along with information about a new CloudFormation template to help you to get going more quickly. — Jeff; At re: Invent 2014, we launched AWS CloudTrail integration with Amazon CloudWatch Logs in the US East (N. Virginia), Europe (Ireland), and […]
Route 53 Update – Tagging, CloudTrail, One-Click Alarms, Visible Health Check Status
Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable Domain Name Service (DNS) web service. In a nutshell, it translates symbolic names such as into numerical IP addresses like Today we are making Route 53 even more useful with the addition of four new features: Tagging of domains and hosted zones. API logging […]
AWS Config Update – New Regions, CloudTrail Support, ServiceNow
I first wrote about AWS Config last fall as part of our burst of announcements that we made during AWS re:Invent in Las Vegas. At that time I discussed the dynamic nature of the AWS cloud and how organizations face new challenges with regard to asset tracking, inventory management, change management, and governance when they […]
Data Retrieval Policies and Audit Logging for Amazon Glacier
Amazon Glacier is a secure and durable storage service for data archiving and backup. You can store infrequently accessed data in Glacier for as little as $0.01 per gigabyte per month. When you need to retrieve your data, Glacier will make it available for download within 3 to 5 hours. Today we are launching two […]
New – CloudTrail Integration with CloudWatch Logs; 2 Partner Solutions
As you may know, AWS CloudTrail records API activity in your AWS account and delivers a log file with the recorded API activity to a designated S3 bucket (see my post, AWS CloudTrail – Capture AWS API Activity, for more info). Earlier this year we announced CloudWatch Logs and gave you the ability to store […]