AWS News Blog

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New – Amazon Redshift Support in AWS Backup

With Amazon Redshift, you can analyze data in the cloud at any scale. Amazon Redshift offers native data protection capabilities to protect your data using automatic and manual snapshots. This works great by itself, but when you’re using other AWS services, you have to configure more than one tool to manage your data protection policies. […]

New – Fully Managed Blue/Green Deployments in Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS

When updating databases, using a blue/green deployment technique is an appealing option for users to minimize risk and downtime. This method of making database updates requires two database environments—your current production environment, or blue environment, and a staging environment, or green environment. You must then keep these two environments in sync with each other so […]

New for AWS Backup – Protect and Restore Your CloudFormation Stacks

To define the data protection policy of an application, you have to look at its components and find which ones store data that needs to be protected. Those are the stateful components of your application, such as databases and file systems. Other components don’t store data but need to be restored as well in case […]

Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor Preview – End-to-End Visibility into Internet Performance for your Applications

How many times have you had monitoring dashboards show you a normal situation, and at the same time, you have received customer tickets reporting your app is “slow” or unavailable to them? How much time did it take to diagnose these customer reports? You told us one of your challenges when monitoring internet-facing applications is […]

New for Amazon Transcribe – Real-Time Analytics During Live Calls

The experience customers have when interacting with a contact center can have a profound impact on them. For this reason, we launched Amazon Transcribe Call Analytics last year to help you analyze customer call recordings and get insights into issues and trends related to customer satisfaction and agent performance. To assist agents in resolving live […]

Automated in-AWS Failback for AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

I first covered AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (DRS) in a 2021 blog post. In that post, I described how DRS “enables customers to use AWS as an elastic recovery site for their on-premises applications without needing to invest in on-premises DR infrastructure that lies idle until needed. Once enabled, DRS maintains a constant replication posture […]

New – Amazon ECS Service Connect Enabling Easy Communication Between Microservices

Microservices architectures are a well-known software development approach to make applications composed of small independent services that communicate over well-defined application programming interfaces (APIs). Customers faced challenges when they started breaking down their monolith applications into microservices, as it required specialized networking knowledge to communicate internally with other microservices. Amazon Elastic Container Services (Amazon ECS) […]

Now Open the 30th AWS Region – Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) Region in India

In November 2020, Jeff announced the upcoming AWS Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) as the second Region in India. Yes! Today we are announcing the general availability of the 30th AWS Region, Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) Region, with three Availability Zones and the ap-south-2 API name. The Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) Region is located in the state of Telangana. […]