AWS Big Data Blog

Amazon EMR-DynamoDB Connector Repository on AWSLabs GitHub

Mike Grimes is a Software Development Engineer with Amazon EMR

Amazon Web Services is excited to announce that the Amazon EMR-DynamoDB Connector is now open-source. The EMR-DynamoDB Connector is a set of libraries that lets you access data stored in DynamoDB with Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, and Hive jobs. These libraries are currently shipped with EMR releases, but we will now build these from the emr-dynamodb-connector GitHub repository. The code you see in the repository is exactly what is available on your EMR cluster, making it easier to build applications with this component.

Amazon EMR regularly contributes open-source changes to improve applications for developers, data scientists, and analysts in the community. Check out the README to learn how to build, contribute to, and use the Amazon EMR-DynamoDB Connector!