AWS Compute Blog

Chris Munns

Author: Chris Munns

Chris Munns is the Tech Lead & Advisor for the Startup Solution Architecture organization at Amazon Web Services. Chris works with peers at AWS on how to better support AWS’s startup customers and directly engages with helping hot startups overcome complex technical challenges. At AWS for over 10 years, Chris has previously led Developer Advocacy for AWS Serverless technologies, was the global Business Development Manager for DevOps technologies, and was a Solutions Architect in the early days of the AWS field. Before AWS, Chris held senior operations engineering posts at Etsy, Meetup, and other NYC based startups. Chris has a Bachelor of Science in Applied Networking and System Administration from the Rochester Institute of Technology.

Sample microservices application

Managing Cross-Account Serverless Microservices

This post courtesy of Michael Edge, Sr. Cloud Architect – AWS Professional Services Applications built using a microservices architecture typically result in a number of independent, loosely coupled microservices communicating with each other, synchronously via their APIs and asynchronously via events. These microservices are often owned by different product teams, and these teams may segregate their […]

Applying the Twelve-Factor App Methodology to Serverless Applications

The Twelve-Factor App methodology is twelve best practices for building modern, cloud-native applications. With guidance on things like configuration, deployment, runtime, and multiple service communication, the Twelve-Factor model prescribes best practices that apply to a diverse number of use cases, from web applications and APIs to data processing applications. Although serverless computing and AWS Lambda […]

Sharing Secrets with AWS Lambda Using AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store

This post courtesy of Roberto Iturralde, Sr. Application Developer- AWS Professional Services Application architects are faced with key decisions throughout the process of designing and implementing their systems. One decision common to nearly all solutions is how to manage the storage and access rights of application configuration. Shared configuration should be stored centrally and securely with […]

final arch

How To Migrate Multi-Tier Environments Using The AWS Server Migration Service

This post courtesy of Shane Baldacchino, Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. Many customers ask for guidance on migrating end-to-end solutions running on virtual machines over to AWS. This post provides an overview of moving a common WordPress blog running on a virtualized platform to AWS, including re-pointing the DNS records associated to with the […]

CodeStar Go application

Announcing Go Support for AWS Lambda

This post courtesy of Paul Maddox, Specialist Solutions Architect (Developer Technologies). Today, we’re excited to announce Go as a supported language for AWS Lambda. As someone who’s done their fair share of Go development (recent projects include AWS SAM Local and GoFormation), this is a release I’ve been looking forward to for a while. I’m […]

Serverless @ re:Invent 2017

At re:Invent 2014, we announced AWS Lambda, what is now the center of the serverless platform at AWS, and helped ignite the trend of companies building serverless applications. This year, at re:Invent 2017, the topic of serverless was everywhere. We were incredibly excited to see the energy from everyone attending 7 workshops, 15 chalk talks, 20 […]

Managing AWS Lambda Function Concurrency

One of the key benefits of serverless applications is the ease in which they can scale to meet traffic demands or requests, with little to no need for capacity planning. In AWS Lambda, which is the core of the serverless platform at AWS, the unit of scale is a concurrent execution. This refers to the […]

Implementing Canary Deployments of AWS Lambda Functions with Alias Traffic Shifting

This post courtesy of Ryan Green, Software Development Engineer, AWS Serverless The concepts of blue/green and canary deployments have been around for a while now and have been well-established as best-practices for reducing the risk of software deployments. In a traditional, horizontally scaled application, copies of the application code are deployed to multiple nodes (instances, […]


Accelerating Precision Medicine at Scale

This post courtesy of Aaron Friedman, Healthcare and Life Sciences Partner Solutions Architect, AWS and Angel Pizarro, Genomics and Life Sciences Senior Solutions Architect, AWS   Precision medicine is tailored to individuals based on quantitative signatures, including genomics, lifestyle, and environment. It is often considered to be the driving force behind the next wave of human […]

Migrating a Native JAVA REST API to a Serverless Architecture with the Lambada Framework for AWS

NOTE: Newer guidance on the topic of migrating Java based applications to AWS Lambda can be found here: Replatforming Java based applications to AWS Lambda. This is a guest post by Çağatay Gürtürk, the creator of the Lambada framework Serverless computing has become a hot topics since AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway started to […]