AWS Compute Blog

Category: Amazon Translate

Decoupled translation architecture.

Translating documents at enterprise scale with serverless

Developing a scalable translation solution for thousands of documents can be challenging using traditional, server-based architecture. Using a serverless approach, this becomes much easier since you can use storage and compute services that scale for you.

Advanced application architecture

Converting call center recordings into useful data for analytics

Many businesses operate call centers that record conversations with customers for training or regulatory purposes. These vast collections of audio offer unique opportunities for improving customer service. However, since audio data is mostly unsearchable, it’s usually archived in these systems and never analyzed for insights. Developing machine learning models for accurately understanding and transcribing speech […]

Implementing Serverless Video Subtitles

This post is courtesy of Maxime Thomas, DevOps Partner Solutions Architect – AWS This story begins when I joined AWS at the beginning of the year. I had a hard time during my ramp-up period trying to handle the amount of information coming from all directions. Technical training, meetings, new colleagues, in a worldwide company—the […]