AWS Compute Blog

Category: Serverless

Serverless @ re:Invent 2017

At re:Invent 2014, we announced AWS Lambda, what is now the center of the serverless platform at AWS, and helped ignite the trend of companies building serverless applications. This year, at re:Invent 2017, the topic of serverless was everywhere. We were incredibly excited to see the energy from everyone attending 7 workshops, 15 chalk talks, 20 […]

Resume AWS Step Functions from Any State

Update March, 5 2021 – Disclaimer: This blog precedes the introduction of map state to the Amazon States Language and requires modifications to work with the map state. This post is written by Aaron Friedman, Partner Solutions Architect and Yash Pant, Solutions Architect. When we discuss how to build applications with customers, we often align […]

How to Provision Complex, On-Demand Infrastructures by Using Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda

How to Provision Complex, On-Demand Infrastructures by Using Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda

Many AWS customers are using the power of AWS CloudFormation to customize complex infrastructures. At the same time, they are moving towards self-service for their expanding customer bases. How can complex infrastructure be provisioned on-demand while minimizing customer use of the AWS Management Console? Let’s say AnyCompany uses AWS services to process sensitive datasets owned […]

Building High-Throughput Genomics Batch Workflows on AWS: Job Layer (Part 2 of 4)

This post is courtesy of Aaron Friedman – Healthcare and Life Sciences Partner Solutions Architect at AWS and Angel Pizarro – Scientific Computing Technical Business Development Manager at AWS This post is the second in a series on how to build a genomics workflow on AWS. In Part 1, we introduced a general architecture, shown below, and […]