AWS Compute Blog

Introducing new intrinsic functions for AWS Step Functions

Developers use AWS Step Functions, a low-code visual workflow service to build distributed applications, automate IT and business processes, and orchestrate AWS services with minimal code. Step Functions Amazon States Language (ASL) provides a set of functions known as intrinsics that perform basic data transformations. Customers have asked for additional intrinsics to perform more data […]

Building cost-effective AWS Step Functions workflows

Builders create AWS Step Functions workflows to orchestrate multiple services into business-critical applications with minimal code. Customers are looking for best practices and guidelines to build cost-effective workflows with Step Functions. This blog post explains the difference between Standard and Express Workflows. It shows the cost of running the same workload as Express or Standard […]

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Diving Deep into EC2 Spot Instance Cost and Operational Practices

This blog post is written by, Sudhi Bhat, Senior Specialist SA, Flexible Compute. Amazon EC2 Spot Instances are one of the popular choices among customers looking to cost optimize their workload running on AWS. Spot Instances let you take advantage of unused Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) capacity in the AWS cloud and are […]

Speeding up incremental changes with AWS SAM Accelerate and nested stacks

This blog written by Jeff Marcinko, Sr. Technical Account Manager, Health Care & Life Sciencesand Brian Zambrano, Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect, Serverless. Developers and operators have been using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to author, build, test, and deploy serverless applications in AWS for over three years. Since its inception, the AWS SAM […]

Reference architecture

Using custom consumer group ID support for AWS Lambda event sources for MSK and self-managed Kafka

This post shows how to use the new custom consumer group ID feature of the Lambda event source mapping for Amazon MSK and self-managed Kafka. This feature can be used to consume messages with Lambda starting at a specific timestamp or offset within a Kafka topic. It can also be used to consume messages from a consumer group that is replicated from another Kafka cluster using MirrorMaker v2.

Reference architecture

Introducing bidirectional event integrations with Salesforce and Amazon EventBridge

This blog shows how to act on changes to your Salesforce data in real-time using the new Salesforce partner event source integration with EventBridge. The example demonstrated how your Salesforce data can be processed and enriched with custom AWS applications and updates sent back to Salesforce using EventBridge API Destinations.

Serverless Land - Serverless Snippets

Introducing the new AWS Serverless Snippets Collection

Today, the AWS Serverless Developer Advocate team introduces the Serverless Snippets Collection. This is a new page hosted on Serverless Land that makes it easier to discover, copy, and share common code that can help with serverless application development. Builders are writing serverless applications in many programming languages and spend a growing amount of time […]

Serverless application shared responsibility

Building AWS Lambda governance and guardrails

When building serverless applications using AWS Lambda, there are a number of considerations regarding security, governance, and compliance. This post highlights how Lambda, as a serverless service, simplifies cloud security and compliance so you can concentrate on your business logic. It covers controls that you can implement for your Lambda workloads to ensure that your […]

actual cost variation for different batch sizes for 10 million messages.

Estimating cost for Amazon SQS message processing using AWS Lambda

You can use Lambda functions to handle fully managed asynchronous processing of SQS messages. Estimating the cost and optimal setup depends on leveraging the various configurations of SQS and Lambda functions. The cost estimator tool presented in this blog should help you understand these configurations and their impact on the overall cost and performance of the Lambda function-based messaging solutions.