AWS Compute Blog

Tag: Enterprise Integration Patterns

Advanced application architecture

Converting call center recordings into useful data for analytics

Many businesses operate call centers that record conversations with customers for training or regulatory purposes. These vast collections of audio offer unique opportunities for improving customer service. However, since audio data is mostly unsearchable, it’s usually archived in these systems and never analyzed for insights. Developing machine learning models for accurately understanding and transcribing speech […]

Point to point request response traditional messaging

Implementing enterprise integration patterns with AWS messaging services: point-to-point channels

This post is courtesy of Christian Mueller, Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS and Dirk Fröhner, Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS At AWS, we see our customers increasingly moving toward managed services to reduce the time and money that they spend managing infrastructure. This also applies to the messaging domain, where AWS provides a collection of managed services. Asynchronous messaging is […]

Publish Subscribe Request Response Cloud Native Messaging

Implementing enterprise integration patterns with AWS messaging services: publish-subscribe channels

This post is courtesy of Christian Mueller, Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS and Dirk Fröhner, Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS In this blog, we look at the second part of some fundamental enterprise integration patterns and how you can implement them with AWS messaging services. If you missed the first part, we encourage you to start there. Read Part 1: […]