AWS Contact Center

Category: Technical How-to

Level up your contact center with Amazon Connect unified agent application

Having a good agent experience is paramount for contact center efficiency, and although businesses have different requirements from the agent application perspective, agents typically need a way to manage contacts across different channels, instantly identify who the customer is, and check their contact history. Most often, agents need to toggle, browse, and search for information […]

Create action item reminders with Amazon Connect Tasks and Contact Lens for Amazon Connect

Contact center agents are frequently asked to document customer conversations by logging the interaction reason (or the issue), the outcome of the call, and in many cases, and follow-up action items. The data collection is essential for tracking the customer satisfaction and agent performance, but it takes a toll on the agent average handling time […]

How to consolidate similar profiles using Amazon Connect Customer Profiles Identity Resolution

Today, customers expect companies to engage with them in a highly relevant and personalized way, regardless of channel. Companies have different customer records for the same end-customer across different channels and lines of businesses. These customer records do not have a unique identifier to unify the data. Even if the unique identifiers exist, they are […]

Simplify contact flow management by leveraging modules in Amazon Connect

Customers often have repeatable logic that is needed throughout the customer journey in contact center experiences. We’re going to take a look at how to simplify contact flow management by leveraging modules in Amazon Connect. The ability to build contact flow logic once, and reference it from other contact flows has been a customer request […]

Personalize customer service with Amazon Connect Customer Profiles

When a customer contacts your contact center, understanding their context is key to providing a great experience. To help you deliver more efficient and personalized customer service, Amazon Connect Customer Profiles helps contact center managers create a unified view of a customer’s profile with the most up to date information, so that agents can provide […]

Last Agent and Last Queue Routing on Amazon Connect for Returning Callers

Introduction In our previous blog, we discussed how Amazon Connect customer profiles provides a simple, consistent way to manage customer’s experience for repeat callers with features like personalized prompts, last agent, and last queue routing. For customers looking to personalize the experience of repeat callers, but are unable or not wanting to use customer profiles, this […]

Optimize customer wait experience in queue using Amazon Connect

Long wait times in contact center queues are a key driver for customer frustration. They also increase costs to companies. Typically, the workforce management (WFM) teams forecast and adjust staffing to minimize the time a customer waits in queue before they can speak to a contact center agent. However, resource management is an optimization between […]

Monitor and trigger alerts using Amazon CloudWatch for Amazon Connect

In the medical field, cardiologists rely on heart monitoring devices to capture patient baselines and trends that enable them to predict and treat heart disease and defects. Similarly, in the contact center field, the ability to monitor and detect anomalies is essential in maintaining a healthy contact center environment. With Amazon Connect and Amazon CloudWatch […]

Enable chat in Salesforce Experience Cloud with Amazon Connect

Chat is becoming a preferred channel for customer interactions. Salesforce Experience Cloud (SEC) helps companies create websites, storefronts, and mobile apps. SEC can personalize customer engagement with pre-built templates. It offers self-service capabilities, and integrates with customer relationship management (CRM) solutions. Adding Amazon Connect chat to SEC allows you to experience high-quality digital interactions. SEC […]

Analyzing Amazon Connect usage with agent desktop and streaming data

As customer engagement expectations become increasingly advanced, contact center managers find themselves in need of granular visibility of their contact center usage. For example, customers seek to understand usage patterns by agent, business division, caller intent, routing queue, or customer segment. Amazon Connect provides a real-time performance dashboard so that you can monitor the overall health of […]