AWS Contact Center

Tag: agent workspace

Using agent workspace guides to handle sensitive information

Introduction Contact center agents assist customers with topics that involve complex workflows. Within the Amazon Connect agent workspace, step-by-step guides support agents with clear instructions on how to handle a particular use case. Step-by-step guides are agent facing workflows that can branch based on decisions and send & receive data from external systems. Guides increase […]

CSC Generation transforms customer support with Amazon Connect

CSC Generation transforms customer support with Amazon Connect

Introduction In this blog post, CSC Generation Holdings, Inc. (CSC Generation) shares why it moved to Amazon Connect to support customer service operations across its multiple brands. CSC Generation is a multi-brand technology platform that helps retailers such as One Kings Lane and Sur La Table transform into high-performing, digital-first brands. These retailers’ primary customers […]

Best practices for Amazon Connect step-by-step guides

Traditionally, contact center agents required several disconnected applications to handle simple customer interactions. For example, this includes: contact control panels, customer profile information, knowledge articles, and wikis. Amazon Connect agent workspace offers a unified experience for contact center agents to access the tools they need to address customer calls effectively. Within the agent workspace, step-by-step […]

Getting started with step-by-step guides for the Amazon Connect agent workspace

Join us for AWS Contact Center Day, a free virtual event where you’ll learn about the future of customer service, how machine learning can optimize customer and agent experiences—and more. Register now » One of the biggest challenges contact centers face is training new agents to get up to speed with their agent application. Until agents […]