
Category: Compute

Tradeshift’s migration to Amazon EKS without downtime using Linkerd

This post was co-written by Ricardo Amato, Staff DevOps Engineer at Tradeshift, and Andreas Lindh, Specialist Solutions Architect, Containers at AWS. Introduction Tradeshift is a cloud-based business network and platform, which has run our applications in AWS using self-hosted Kubernetes for a number of years. In 2022, a decision was made to migrate from the […]

Amazon EKS now supports Kubernetes version 1.26

Introduction The Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) team is pleased to announce support for Kubernetes version 1.26 for Amazon EKS and Amazon EKS Distro. Amazon EKS Anywhere (release 0.15.1) also supports Kubernetes 1.26. The theme for this version was chosen to recognize both the diverse components that the project comprises and the individuals who […]

Part 3: Multi-Cluster GitOps — Application onboarding

Introduction This is Part 3 in a series of blogs that demonstrates how to build an extensible and flexible GitOps system, based on a hub-and-spoke model to manage the lifecycles of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters, applications deployed to these clusters as well as their dependencies on other AWS managed resources. It’s recommended […]

Part 2: Multi-Cluster GitOps — Cluster fleet provisioning and bootstrapping

Introduction This is Part 2 in a series that demonstrates how to build an extensible and flexible GitOps system, based on a hub-and-spoke model to manage the lifecycles of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters, workloads deployed to these clusters as well as their dependencies on other AWS-managed resources. It’s recommended that you read Part […]

Part 1: Multi-Cluster GitOps using Amazon EKS, Flux, and Crossplane

Introduction GitOps is a way of managing application and infrastructure deployment so that the whole system is described declaratively in a Git repository. It’s an operational model that offers you the ability to manage the state of multiple Kubernetes clusters using the best practices of version control, immutable artifacts, and automation. Organizations have adopted GitOps […]

Introducing AWS Gateway API controller for Amazon VPC Lattice, an implementation of Kubernetes Gateway API

Introduction Today, AWS announces the general availability of Amazon VPC Lattice a new feature of Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) that gives you a consistent way to connect, secure, and monitor communication between your services. As part of the launch of Amazon VPC Lattice, we’re excited to introduce the AWS Gateway API controller, an […]

Application Networking with Amazon VPC Lattice and Amazon EKS

Introduction AWS customers building cloud-native applications or modernizing applications using microservices architecture can adopt Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) to accelerate innovation and time to market while lowering their total cost of ownership. Many customers operate multiple Amazon EKS clusters to provide better tenant isolation and to meet organizational requirements. Often, there’s a need […]

Introducing Data on EKS – Modernize Data Workloads on Amazon EKS

Introduction We are thrilled to introduce Data on EKS (DoEKS), a new open-source project aimed at streamlining and accelerating the process of building, deploying, and scaling data workloads on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). With DoEKS, customers get access to a comprehensive range of resources including Infrastructure as Code (IaC) templates, performance benchmark reports, […]

Domainless Windows Authentication for Amazon EKS Windows pods

Introduction .NET Developers commonly design Windows-based applications with Active Directory (AD) integration running on domain-joined servers to facilitate authentication and authorization between services and users. Since containers cannot be domain-joined, running these applications in a Windows-based containers required configuring group Managed Service Accounts (gMSA), domain-joined Kubernetes Windows nodes, webhooks and cluster roles to enable Windows […]

Managing etcd database size on Amazon EKS clusters

Note: etcd_db_total_size_in_bytes or apiserver_storage_db_total_size_in_bytes has been renamed to apiserver_storage_size_bytes since EKS v1.28. Please use the corresponding metric to monitor database size. Introduction Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) makes it easy to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications using Kubernetes. Kubernetes clusters use etcd, a consistent and highly available key value store, as the backing […]