
Category: Compute

Game DevOps made easy with AWS Game-Server CD Pipeline

This is a guest post by Anita Buehrle of Weaveworks. The biggest challenge faced by game publishers is the ability to deliver new features to players as quickly as possible. Not only do new features have to arrive quickly and reliably, but they also need to be delivered in a way that optimizes costs and […]

CI/CD Pipeline for ECS Applications with GitHub Actions and CodeBuild

Create a CI/CD pipeline for Amazon ECS with GitHub Actions and AWS CodeBuild Tests

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service that makes it easy to operate containerized workloads at scale.  It also integrates with other core AWS services, such as Amazon Route 53, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), and Amazon CloudWatch.  Establishing an effective and efficient CI/CD pipeline is critical for containerized […]

AWS CodeDeploy now supports linear and canary deployments for Amazon ECS

AWS CodeDeploy has extended blue/green deployment support for Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) to include canary and linear deployments for applications hosted on AWS Fargate or Amazon Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). Blue/green deployments are a safe deployment strategy provided by AWS CodeDeploy for minimizing interruptions caused by changing application versions. This is accomplished by creating […]

Kubernetes Logging powered by AWS for Fluent Bit

September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. Centralized logging is an instrumental component of running and managing Kubernetes clusters at scale. Developers need access to logs for debugging and monitoring applications, operations teams need access for monitoring applications, and security needs access for monitoring. These teams have […]

Results of the 2019 AWS Container Security Survey

Security is a top priority in AWS, and in our service team we naturally focus on container security. In order to better assess where we stand, we conducted an anonymous survey in late 2019 amongst container users on AWS. Overall, we got 68 responses from a variety of roles, from ops folks and SREs to […]

Securing EKS Ingress With Contour And Let’s Encrypt The GitOps Way

This is a guest post by Stefan Prodan of Weaveworks. In Kubernetes terminology, Ingress exposes HTTP(S) routes from outside the cluster to services running within the cluster. An Ingress can be configured to provide Kubernetes services with externally-reachable URLs while performing load balancing and SSL/TLS termination. Kubernetes comes with an Ingress resource and there are several controllers that […]

Using ALB Ingress Controller with Amazon EKS on Fargate

In December 2019, we announced the ability to use Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service to run Kubernetes pods on AWS Fargate. Fargate eliminates the need for you to create or manage EC2 instances for your Kubernetes applications. When your pods start, Fargate automatically allocates compute resources on-demand to run them. Fargate is great for running and […]

Deep Dive on Amazon ECS Cluster Auto Scaling

Introduction Up until recently, ensuring that the number of EC2 instances in your ECS cluster would scale as needed to accommodate your tasks and services could be challenging.  ECS clusters could not always scale out when needed, and scaling in could impact availability unless handled carefully. Sometimes, customers would resort to custom tooling such as […]

EKS VPC routable IP address conservation patterns in a hybrid network

Introduction Our customers are embracing containers and Kubernetes/EKS for the flexibility and the agility it affords their developers. As environments continue to scale, they want to find ways to more efficiently utilize their private RFC1918 IP address space. This post will review patterns to help conserve your RFC1918 IP address space with your EKS pods leveraging […]

Autoscaling EKS on Fargate with custom metrics

This is a guest post by Stefan Prodan of Weaveworks. Autoscaling is an approach to automatically scale up or down workloads based on the resource usage. In Kubernetes, the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) can scale pods based on observed CPU utilization and memory usage. Starting with Kubernetes 1.7, an aggregation layer was introduced that allows third-party […]