
Category: Customer Solutions

Title img: Actuate uses AWS Fargate for ML-based, real-time video monitoring and threat detection

Actuate uses AWS Fargate for ML-based, real-time video monitoring and threat detection

This post was written in collaboration with Scott Underwood, Jacob Weiss, Tatiana Hanazaki, and Mark Berbera from Actuate AI. The goal at Actuate AI is to leverage technology to make the world a safer place. Our team at Actuate AI aims to do that by using cutting-edge computer vision to reduce the response time of […]

Read the blog post on Amazon EKS and Spot Instances in action at Delivery Hero.

Amazon EKS and Spot Instances in action at Delivery Hero

This post was coauthored by Christos Skevis, Senior Engineering Manager, Delivery Hero; Giovanny Salazar, Senior Systems Engineer, Delivery Hero; Miguel Mingorance, Senior Systems Engineer at Delivery Hero at the time the blog post was written; Cristian Măgherușan-Stanciu, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect, Flexible Compute, AWS; and Sascha Möllering, Principal Specialist Solutions Architect, Containers, AWS. This post […]

Title image: Using AWS Proton as a provisioning mechanism for Amazon EKS clusters

Using AWS Proton as a provisioning mechanism for Amazon EKS clusters

AWS customers have a number of options they can use to deploy Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters. They can use the EKS console workflows, the eksctl CLI, the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), or several other options. There is often a single Ops-savvy user (or team) picking one of these options to […]

Read the blog post on Mobileye's journey towards scaling Amazon EKS to thousands of nodes.

Mobileye’s journey towards scaling Amazon EKS to thousands of nodes

This post was coauthored by David Peer, DevOps Specialist, AI Engineering, Mobileye and Tsahi Duek, Specialist Solutions Architect for AWS Container services. This blog post reviews how Mobileye’s AI Engineering Group seamlessly runs their workflows on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), supporting around 250 workflows daily. What is Mobileye? Mobileye develops self-driving technology and […]

Abstract image with title

Measuring portability time objective as a metric for migrating to Red Hat Openshift Service on AWS (ROSA)

This post was co-written by Mark Taylor, OpenShift Systems Engineer, IBM Consulting; Ian Packer, Chief AWS Architect, IBM Consulting; and Arnaud Lauer, Partner Solutions Architect, AWS. Customers are putting greater focus on portability as part of their strategies when adopting cloud computing. Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) platform provides an agile and flexible […]

Enabling AWS X-Ray tracing for AWS App Runner service using AWS Copilot CLI

AWS Copilot CLI is an open-source command line interface that makes it easy for developers to build, release, and operate production-ready containerized workloads on AWS App Runner, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), and AWS Fargate. Under the hood, Copilot uses AWS CloudFormation for provisioning and managing the underlying infrastructures on your behalf so that […]

Diagram of of the QMaaS data processing pipeline

Athenahealth QMaaS: Optimizing throughput and costs with Amazon ECS & EC2 Spot

Karthik Kalkur, Senior Architect, Athenahealth, Jayaprakash Alawala, Specialist Solution Architect (Containers), AWS, and Sridhar Bharadwaj, Sr EC2 Spot Specialist, AWS This guest blog post is contributed by Karthik Kalkur, a Senior Architect at athenahealth, in partnership with AWS Specialist Solution Architect for Containers, Jayaprakash Alawala, and AWS Sr. EC2 Spot Specialist, Sridhar Bharadwaj. Athenahealth is […]

Image depicts AWS CDK insfrastructure

MYCOM OSI’s Amazon EKS adoption journey

This post was co-written by Dirk Michel, SVP SaaS and Digital Technology at MYCOM OSI, and Andreas Lindh, Specialist Solutions Architect, Containers at AWS. In this blog post, we will discuss how MYCOM OSI was able to lower costs and improve the flexibility of their Assurance Cloud Service (ACS) SaaS platform and bring-your-own-cloud (BYOC) option […]

Bottlerocket support for NVIDIA GPUs

Today, we are happy to announce that Bottlerocket, a Linux-based, open-source, container-optimized operating system, now supports NVIDIA GPUs for accelerated computing workloads. You can now use NVIDIA-based Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance types with Bottlerocket to accelerate your machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), and similar workloads that require GPU compute devices. This release […]

Diagram of a simple AWS Proton workflow

How copebit takes advantage of AWS Proton

This blog was co-authored by Marco Kuendig, CTO at copebit AG, Switzerland and Simone Pomata, Senior Solutions Architect at AWS Switzerland. Who is copebit? copebit is an AWS advanced consulting and software development company based in Zurich, Switzerland. We have been working with AWS for many years implementing AWS-based cloud solutions for clients every day. […]