
Category: Security, Identity, & Compliance

Authenticating with Docker Hub for AWS Container Services

Docker Hub has recently updated its terms of service to introduce rate limits for container image pulls. While these limits don’t apply to accounts under a Pro or Team plan, anonymous users are limited to 100 pulls per 6 hours per IP address, and authenticated free accounts are limited to 200 pulls per 6 hours. […]

Results of the 2020 AWS Container Security Survey

In 2019 we carried out the first AWS Container Security Survey and now we have the results of this year’s survey for you available. As in 2019, we conducted an anonymous survey throughout 2020 amongst container users on AWS. From the 655 people who visited the survey, 295 started it and 156 completed it (completion […]

TigerCalicov3.9 Files

Using Calico on Amazon EKS Windows Containers

This post was contributed by Anuj Singh, Software Development Engineer and Steven David, Enterprise Solutions Architect. In this blog post, we are going to walk through a step-by-step process on how to install and use Calico for Windows containers running on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Tigera Calico for Windows is a networking and network […]

Enable traffic encryption between services in AWS App Mesh using AWS Certificate Manager or customer-provided certificates

Today, we announce the general availability of an AWS App Mesh feature that enables traffic encryption between services using AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) or customer-provided certificates. We sought feedback from our customers last year through the AWS App Mesh roadmap issues #38 and #39 and the features were made available on the AWS App Mesh […]

Using EKS encryption provider support for defense-in-depth

Gyuho Lee, Rashmi Dwaraka, and Michael Hausenblas When we announced that we plan to natively support the AWS Encryption Provider in Amazon EKS, the feedback we got from you was pretty clear: can we have it yesterday? Now we’re launching EKS support for the encryption provider, a vital defense-in-depth security feature. That is, you can […]

Results of the 2019 AWS Container Security Survey

Security is a top priority in AWS, and in our service team we naturally focus on container security. In order to better assess where we stand, we conducted an anonymous survey in late 2019 amongst container users on AWS. Overall, we got 68 responses from a variety of roles, from ops folks and SREs to […]