
Category: Storage

Diagram of of the QMaaS data processing pipeline

Athenahealth QMaaS: Optimizing throughput and costs with Amazon ECS & EC2 Spot

Karthik Kalkur, Senior Architect, Athenahealth, Jayaprakash Alawala, Specialist Solution Architect (Containers), AWS, and Sridhar Bharadwaj, Sr EC2 Spot Specialist, AWS This guest blog post is contributed by Karthik Kalkur, a Senior Architect at athenahealth, in partnership with AWS Specialist Solution Architect for Containers, Jayaprakash Alawala, and AWS Sr. EC2 Spot Specialist, Sridhar Bharadwaj. Athenahealth is […]

Migration to cloud icon

Migrating Amazon EKS clusters from gp2 to gp3 EBS volumes

Kubernetes (sometimes referred to as K8s) is an open-source container orchestration engine and a fast-growing project hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). K8s has a massive adoption on premises and in the cloud for running stateless and stateful containerized workloads. Stateful workloads require persistent storage. To support on-premises and cloud-provider-related infrastructure like storage […]

Using Amazon FSx for Windows File Server as persistent storage on Amazon EKS

Introduction As the adoption of container environments grows, there is an increasing need to cross-share data between monolith applications and cloud native applications and microservices. As a standard, the Container Storage Interface (CSI) allows exposing storage systems/backends to containerized workloads as persistent storage. In this blog, we will discuss and create persistent storage for cross-data […]

Persistent Storage using EFS for EKS on Bottlerocket

In this post, we discuss about how to achieve persistent storage with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters running on Bottlerocket OS with Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS). Persistent storage is needed for long running stateful applications to persist state for high availability or to scale out around shared datasets. This is true […]

Running WordPress on Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate with Amazon EFS

I built my first website back in 1997. It was a fan site for my then favorite musician. I didn’t know much about creating websites, but I had a burning desire to tell the World Wide Web (as if anyone was listening) about my musical preferences. The floppy-disk-booted-PCs in my school’s computer lab ran MS-DOS, […]

Introducing Amazon EFS CSI dynamic provisioning

As companies move more of their workloads to Kubernetes, they are increasingly deploying applications that need a way to share or persist data or state outside the container. Kubernetes addresses this need by exposing block and file storage systems to containerized workloads via the Container Storage Interface (CSI). Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) currently […]

Running stateful workloads with Amazon EKS on AWS Fargate using Amazon EFS

With Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), you have the choice to run Kubernetes pods on EC2 instances or AWS Fargate. AWS Fargate, a serverless compute engine for containers, allows you to run Kubernetes workloads without creating and managing servers, scaling your data plane, right-sizing EC2 instances, or dealing with worker nodes upgrades. Fargate, thus far, […]

Using EBS Snapshots for persistent storage with your EKS cluster

Originally, containers were a great fit for stateless applications. However, for many use cases there is a need for persistent storage, without which stateful workloads are not possible. Kubernetes first introduced support for stateful workloads with in-tree volume plugins, meaning that the plugin code was part of the core Kubernetes code and shipped with the […]

Using Amazon FSx for Windows File Server as persistent storage on Windows Containers

This post has been updated due a recent launch. Designed for simplicity from the start, Amazon ECS delivers an AWS-opinionated solution for running containers at scale. Previously, customers had to implement a lengthy workaround (detailed in the original blog post below) in order to use an Amazon FSx for Windows File Server as persistent storage […]

Gif that shows canary deployment taking place

Create a pipeline with canary deployments for Amazon EKS with AWS App Mesh

In this post, we will demonstrate how customers can leverage different AWS services in conjunction with AWS App Mesh to implement a canary deployment strategy for applications running on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). As stated in the post “Getting started with App Mesh and EKS”, many customers are currently implementing microservices in a […]