
Shift left to secure your container supply chain

Introduction When we talk about securing container solutions, most of the focus is on securing the orchestrator or the infrastructure that the orchestrator runs on. However, at the heart of your container solutions are the containers themselves. In this post, we show you how we ensured that before we even push a container into our […]

Application first delivery on Kubernetes with Open Application Model

This post was co-written with Daniel Higuero, CTO, Napptive Introduction In the era of cloud-native applications, Kubernetes has emerged as a prominent technology in the container orchestration space. However, using Kubernetes requires users to not only run and manage cluster configurations, cluster-wide add-ons, and auxiliary tooling, but also to understanding application deployment configurations (e.g., Deployments, […]

Building better container images

Introduction Many applications built today or modernized from monoliths are done so using microservice architectures. The microservice architecture makes applications easier to scale and faster to develop, which enables innovation and accelerating time-to-market for new features. In addition, microservices also provide lifecycle autonomy enabling applications to have independent build and deploy processes, which provides technological […]

Accelerate Amazon ECS-based workloads with ECS Blueprints

Introduction We are introducing ECS Blueprints for AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) that makes it easier and faster to build container workloads for the Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS). ECS Blueprints is a collection of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) open-source modules that help you configure and deploy container workloads on top of Amazon […]

Implementing application load balancing of Amazon ECS Anywhere workloads using Traefik Proxy

Introduction With Amazon ECS Anywhere, you can run and manage containers on any customer-managed infrastructure using the same cloud-based, fully managed, and highly scalable container orchestration service you use in AWS today. Amazon ECS Anywhere provides support for registering an external instance, such as an on-premises server or virtual machine (VM), to your Amazon ECS […]

Under the hood: Lazy Loading Container Images with Seekable OCI and AWS Fargate

November 2023: AWS Fargate now supports having both SOCI and non SOCI enabled containers in the same Amazon ECS task, therefore the “All container images within an Amazon ECS Task need a SOCI Index Manifest” restriction no longer applies. To learn more see the whats new post.   AWS Fargate, a serverless compute engine for […]

Using Windows Authentication with gMSA on Linux Containers on Amazon ECS

UPDATE: On July 17th 2023, AWS launched support for Windows authentication with gMSA on non-domain-joined (domainless) Amazon ECS Linux container instances. This blog post has been updated to cover both modes, making domainless mode the default. Introduction Today, we are announcing the availability of Credentials Fetcher integration with Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS). This […]

Securing Kubecost access with Amazon Cognito

Introduction Kubecost provides real-time cost visibility and insights for teams using Kubernetes. It has an intuitive dashboard to help you understand and analyze the costs of running your workloads in a Kubernetes cluster. Kubecost is built on OpenCost, which was recently accepted as a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Sandbox project, and is actively supported […]

Scaling IaC and CI/CD pipelines with Terraform, GitHub Actions, and AWS Proton

Introduction Modern applications run on a variety of compute platforms in AWS including serverless services such as AWS Lambda, AWS App Runner, and AWS Fargate. Organizations today are often required to support architectures using a variety of these AWS services, each offering unique runtime characteristics, such as concurrency and scaling, which can be purpose fit […]

Announcing AWS Fault Injection Simulator new features for Amazon ECS workloads

Introduction We are happy to announce new features in AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS) that allow you to inject a variety faults into workloads running in Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). This blog shows how to use new AWS FIS actions with Amazon ECS. AWS Fault Injection […]