
Tag: Amazon EKS

Accelerate the testing and verification of Amazon EKS upgrades with upgrade insights

Introduction Amazon’s Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) removes a lot of the heavy lifting that goes into managing Kubernetes. For example, AWS manages the Kubernetes control plane on your behalf, including patching, tuning, and updating it as necessary. Then there are features such as managed node groups that give you a mechanism for managing the […]

A deep dive into simplified Amazon EKS access management controls

Introduction Since the initial Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) launch, it has supported AWS Identity and Access Management (AWS IAM) principals as entities that can authenticate against a cluster. This was done to remove the burden—from administrators—of having to maintain a separate identity provider. Using AWS IAM also allows AWS customers to use their […]

Deploy an Amazon EKS cluster across AWS Outposts with Intra-VPC communication

Introduction Intra-VPC Communication enables network communication between subnets in the same Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) across multiple physical AWS Outposts using the Outposts local gateways (LGW) via direct VPC routing. With this feature, you can leverage a single Amazon VPC architecture for communication between applications and services running on disparate AWS Outposts. You […]

Empowering Kubernetes Observability with eBPF on Amazon EKS

Post co-written by Shahar Azulay, CEO and Co-Founder at GroundCover Introduction The abstraction introduced by Kubernetes allows teams to easily run applications at varying scale without worrying about resource allocation, autoscaling, or self-healing. However, abstraction isn’t without cost and adds complexity and difficulty tracking down the root cause of problems that Kubernetes users experience. To […]

Discover application refactoring with the EKS Developers Workshop

Today, we are excited to introduce the EKS Developers Workshop, a comprehensive and beginner-friendly workshop designed specifically for developers embarking on their Kubernetes and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) journey. This new workshop augments the existing EKS Workshop for cluster operators by focusing on developers and the unique tools and processes they utilize in […]

Use private certificates to enable a container repository in Amazon EKS

Introduction Containerization has gained popularity as a method for deploying and managing applications with Kubernetes, which is a leading container orchestration platform. Many customers choose Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) for its performance, scalability, availability, and integration with other AWS services and security. Enterprises across the industry opt for private container repositories, such as […]

Cognitive Systems Corp.’s Amazon EKS journey: Wi-Fi Sensing technology

This post was coauthored by Mike Ravkine, Sr. Director at Cognitive Systems Introduction Cognitive Systems Corp., which provides pioneering Wi-Fi sensing technology, WiFi Motion, has redefined how people interact with wireless networks by using existing Wi-Fi signals to transform connected devices into motion sensors. Cognitive System’s Wi-Fi Sensing technology constitutes a comprehensive software stack that […]

Enhanced VPC flexibility: modify subnets and security groups in Amazon EKS

Introduction With Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) users can modify the configuration of the cluster before and after cluster creation without having to create a new cluster. Before provisioning the cluster, users can define specific parameters like the Kubernetes version, VPC and subnets, and logging preferences. Post-creation, they can dynamically adjust various settings, such […]

Optimize AZ traffic costs using Amazon EKS, Karpenter, and Istio

In the evolving cloud-native landscape, enterprises utilizing Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) often encounter challenges that hinder their pursuit of operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Notable among these challenges are the costs associated with Cross Availability Zone (AZ) traffic, with difficulties associated with achieving seamless scalability, hurdles in provisioning right-sized instances for nodes, and intricacies […]

Scalable and Cost-Effective Event-Driven Workloads with KEDA and Karpenter on Amazon EKS

In today’s cloud-native landscape, efficient management of event-driven workloads is essential for real-time data processing. Traditional autoscaling often falls short amidst unpredictable event volumes, leading to inefficiencies and increased costs. Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), which is a managed container orchestration platform and is well-suited for deploying container-based applications. By integrating Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaling (KEDA) […]