AWS Database Blog

Category: AWS Database Migration Service

Upgrading Amazon RDS for Oracle database engine with minimal downtime using AWS DMS

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Oracle is a managed database service that makes it easier to set up, operate, and scale Oracle deployments on AWS. Amazon RDS for Oracle provides newer versions of Oracle Database so you can keep your DB instance up to date. Newer versions can include bug fixes, security enhancements, […]

Cross-account replication with Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) and AWS DMS

Customers running their database workloads using Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) might need to replicate data from one AWS account to another. By doing so, you can achieve faster development or QA environment refreshes, which provides a production-like environment to troubleshoot current production issues, and share data with partners. Amazon DocumentDB provides support for copying […]

Split data across Regions as it’s migrated from on-premises Oracle to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL while maintaining data integrity using AWS DMS – Part 2

As enterprises migrate large applications and large on-premises backend databases to AWS, you likely want to place the databases closer to your customers for low latency and better application performance. This isn’t always easy because your customers may be located all over and on-premises data centers are usually at a handful of locations. This means […]

Split data across Regions as it’s migrated from on-premises Oracle to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL while maintaining data integrity using AWS DMS – Part 1

As enterprises migrate large applications and large on-premises backend databases to AWS, you likely want to place the databases closer to your customers for low latency and better application performance. This isn’t always easy because your customers may be located all over and on-premises data centers are usually at a handful of locations. This means […]

Data masking using AWS DMS

Data replication across data stores is a complex, multiphase process that includes assessment, schema conversion, data migration, data validation, and implementation of data access and security policies. As data is replicated across data stores, most organizations have compliance needs to protect personally identifiable information (PII) or commercially sensitive data from users that shouldn’t have access […]

Any objects that the AWS SCT can’t convert automatically are marked with detailed information that you can use to convert it manually.

Migrating a commercial database to open source with AWS SCT and AWS DMS

You’re moving your applications to the AWS Cloud and you want to migrate from a commercial database engine to an open source database. One thought that may have rightfully crossed your mind is that changing database engines is not a simple task. Rather, it can be a complex, multi-step process that involves pre-migration assessments, converting […]

Moving a replication task to a different replication instance in AWS DMS

We’re excited to announce a new feature of AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) that allows you to move a replication task from one replication instance to another. With this feature, you can stop a running migration, move the task to an instance with a newer AWS DMS version or different instance type, and resume […]

Setting up Amazon CloudWatch alarms for AWS DMS resources using the AWS CLI

For very large migrations, AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) replication can run for hours or days depending on the data being replicated. It’s advisable to monitor the AWS DMS resources for a smooth migration. Monitoring your resources can help you detect anomalies and trigger notifications based on the threshold metrics configured. You can use […]

Migrating relational databases to Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility)

If your data is stored in existing relational databases, converting relational data structures to documents can be complex and involve constructing and managing custom extract, transform, and load (ETL) pipelines. Amazon Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) can manage the migration process efficiently and repeatably. With AWS DMS, you can perform minimal downtime migrations, and can replicate ongoing changes to keep sources and targets in sync. This post provides an overview on how you can migrate your relational databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and others to Amazon DocumentDB using AWS DMS.

Populating your graph in Amazon Neptune from a relational database using AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) – Part 4: Putting it all together

In this four-part series, we cover how to translate a relational data model to a graph data model using a small dataset containing airports and the air routes that connect them. Part one discussed the source data model and the motivation for moving to a graph model. Part two explored mapping our relational data model to a labeled property graph model. Part three covered the Resource Description Framework (RDF) data model. In this final post, we show how to use AWS DMS to copy data from our relational database to Neptune for both graph data models. You may wish to refer to the first three posts to review the source and target data models.